3 Tips Needed For Life And Career Mastery

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Consider this timeless warning and three useful tips. Stay with me until the end of this short video for an opportunity that can transform your life.
In his book The Death of Expertise, Tom Nichols reminds readers of the wisdom in the old Chinese warning to beware a craftsman who claims 20 years of experience when in reality he’s only had one year of experience 20 times.
Groundhog Day experiences don’t teach us much. There are examples across every profession of people who started their careers doing some activity and 20 years later they are just doing the same thing they were doing 20 years earlier without any meaningful growth and change.
That may be okay if we’re talking about something like a golf game – where you’re still at the same level of skill and competency 20 years later, despite hundreds of hours of practice on a wide range of golf courses.
But it isn’t okay if the activity we’re talking about is what you do in your professional career. Each of us has the opportunity, to grow and improve.
When we do, we can talk about having 20 years of experience that has led to mastery rather than 20 years of experience which is just one year repeated 20 times.
How can you continue to learn and grow? Here are a three tips:
1. Pursue self-awareness. Self-awareness allows us to recognize our strengths and weaknesses so we can make good choices for ourselves in life. Self-awareness is about the “what” and “how.” It’s about being in tune with what our behaviors are and how they may be impacting relationships and outcomes.
2. Pursue self-knowledge. Self-awareness is not enough. Self-knowledge is also necessary. It’s about the “why” and understanding why we are behaving in a certain way.
3. Once you know these things about yourself, leverage your strengths and make different behavioral choices. You don’t have to continue doing things the way you always have. We can obliterate Groundhog Day behavior!
I mentioned a life-changing opportunity at the beginning of this video. Are you familiar with the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator? The MBTI is the most widely used personality assessment in the world.
And provides each individual with critical tools to transform how they work, understand why they procrastinate, learn how to bring out the best in others and discover what they can do to be more effective leaders.
This is the tool we have built our life-changing program around called, “Self-Knowledge and Self-Awareness.” This isn’t one of those free assessments you take online. This is a fully-immersive one-day workshop.
And are for people looking to seriously impact their personal and professional lives. How do I know it works? Tero offers a lot of excellent training programs. But it is this one, Self-Knowledge and Self-Awareness that had the greatest personal impact on my work and life.
I credit it as one of the underlying reasons for the success of Tero for more than 25 years and am forever grateful for the role it played in improving the health of relationships in my home life.
We are pleased to announce that it is now available through public enrollment at the Tero Learning Center in Des Moines. For an investment of only eight hours of your time and $495, begin the journey to meaningful change in your life.
Don’t delay acquiring these skills and tools. I am confident you’ll experience the same growth and change I did and that hundreds of Tero graduates have seen in their own lives.