Python for beginners Part:2 | String Slicing | String Functions | Lists | Tuples | In English

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🔸🔹Hello Everyone , In this video I have told you about the String Slicing methods , String functions , Lists and Tuples. 🔸🔹
🔸In the String Slicing I have taken a string and after that told about the string slicing using positive indices and negative indices and told about the starting as well as ending indices of a string In the negative Indices I have told how to reverse a string, how to print a string leaving one-one character and told how to print the length of the string.🔸
🔸In the String Functions first function I told about was isalnum Function . In that only I told about the alphanumeric string that how to check that is a string alphanumeric or not. Then I have told about the endswith function which is used to check that is your string ending with a word or not and it returns Boolean value. Then I have told about the Capitalize function which is used to make the first alphabet of the string capital . Then I have discussed about the upper function which is used to convert the whole string in Capital letters and also told about the lower function which is used to convert whole string in the small letters and at last told about one more function i.e. count which is used to count how many same alphabet is present in the string.🔸
🔸In lists I had told that what is list and how we write/declare a list. What is the symbol for denotion of list. Then discussed hoe to print the list and how to access the elements of the list. After that discussed about functions of list like sort which is used to make the list in ascending order, reverse which is used to reverse the list , len which is used to find the length of the list , max and min functions which is used to find the maximum and minimum number in the list and at last told how to add a number in a list using a function named as append.🔸
🔸In the last I have told about tuples that what are tuples and discussed about two concept that are mutable and immutable . I explained that why lists are mutable and tuples are immutable. Then I told how to print length of tuple and how to access any element of a tuple. At last discussed about the concept of swapping two numbers in the program🔸
#python #Pythonforbeginners #pythonlearning
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Ma'am you're really helping us a lot.
kindly discuss some basic problems as well.


Very very amazing session 🥰🥰thanks so much


Ma'am you have amazing teaching style. Hats off to your efforts 👏


Thats great
I eagerly wait for your sundays english video


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you are magical mentor
God bless you beta


Mam can you provide us code in description of all python classes
