Two Strikes and the Other Baptism (Amazing!)

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Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today's teaching Is a Deep and Heavy one! Filled with incredible revelations never before understood. So hold on tight. For all you Bereans be prepared to watch more than once! I was blown away preparing for it, even up to 30 minutes before starting it. It just kept becoming more and more clear.
For those who began to understand in a previous video about Moses' two strikes and what they represented. Wait until you hear more revelation about why, and what came to me in another one of my, shower revelations, about it.
And that's only the first half of the video! The second is filled with greater revelation about Baptism"s" and why there's the baptism for the dead. With understanding about who it's for and what the Gospels Reveal to us based on who they're speaking to about it All!!!

When I said hold on tight. I wasn't kidding:) Prepare your hearts and minds for some incredible, deep and heavy revelations. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding and discernment. In Jesus name, Amen!

What a blessings we've been given, Eyes to See and Ears to Hear what the Spirit has been saying! So let's remain DILIGENT right to the end!

I look forward to meeting you and your families very, very soon.
GOD bless and comfort each of you... until.


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GOD bless, comfort, strengthen and watch over you and yours always!
Be sober, ready and watching. For the time IS at hand!

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I pray for us ALL and our families that We have our houses in Order and are ready to go! I truly love you all Brothers and Sisters and pray for you and all your families. I look forward to meeting you and yours, in moments from now:)

The 14 Year Tribulation Timeline Chart Overview. Link;

Opened Books the Chapters to Years. Link;

Israel is the time piece to the End Time Years! Link;

June 17, 2010 video telling of future events happening Now;

For all that are new to this ministry, I would first recommend watching; THE #1 Intro VIDEO, on Understanding the Coming END TIMES!

Please continue to support us in getting out the truth, Operation 14 Years. We want to get as many of these USB teachings out there as we can before it all begins. To ship them around the world. AND we would like to know which churches you'd like to see receive one of these packages. If you have a church leader or others in mind please give us their name as well as church address/ shipping info. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD And please don't forget we ask for your prayers first and foremost. Thank you and GOD bless you and your families.

Our mailing Address: Alain Dubreuil
PO Box 91085 Royal Oak
Calgary, AB. Canada
T3G 5W6

Watch and pray always that we may be accounted worthy to escape All these things that shall come to pass upon the whole earth and to stand before the Son of man.
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Thanks Alain for all your hard work. God bless you and your family. Settling down to this study❤️


Yes, blown away again! Had to watch twice but so worth it. Honestly, I’ll watch it again. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Alain.


Thank you. Love you. God bless you. Maranatha.


It just keeps getting better! This looks nothing like we once thought.


Alright, alright, alright... Let's do this!


Thank you so much for video, enjoyed the deepness tremendously, more puzzle pieces, clicking right along. thank You Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit!


IN Acts 10 V 47/48 Peter indeed commanded some to be baptized in water. BUT (which obviously means something else) Peter soon corrected himself in Acts 11 V 16 Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; BUT ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. PLEASE think; What was the point of Peter saying that if W/B was still necessary? Jesus, Paul and Peter all say the same thing IE: BUT you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. 2 points here; "BUT" means something different, something alternative or something opposite. The normal thing here would have been to say; "AND" he will baptize you with the H/S, but it doesn't say that, it says "BUT". You can only get the H/S from Jesus Christ, but he is not here is he? it must be a spiritual thing, there is never any more mention in the Bible of Water Baptism after Acts, that should tell you something. Please don't impose W/B on anyone because that is misleading people. Peter never baptized anyone again in water, I wonder why? Oh I know why, because Paul told him not to! Read Gal 2 v 11, Paul the apostle for the Gentiles is clearly condemning Peter and the Jews with him! In Gal 2 V 14 He saw that they walked NOT uprightly according to the Gospel. W/B is certainly not part of the Gospel is it? Asking them: "Why are you compelling the Gentiles to live like us Jews do?". Gal 11 V 16 A man is NOT justified by the works of the law. This is repeated over and over in Gal 2 and 3. This surely includes Water Baptism. The Jews almost certainly view W/B as part of their law...but Paul is telling them NOT to impose their law onto the Gentiles. YOU ARE SAVED BY GRACE/FAITH and TRUSTING IN THE BLOOD OF CHRIST, It tells you that many times in the Bible over and over again! There is no suggestion that you have to do something? SO why would you try to add on a unnecessary obligation to would be Christians as so many churches wrongly do today? The book of Acts is a transitional book, it changes quite early on from Peter to Paul...the Gentile Apostle. In Eph 4 V 5 it says ONE faith, ONE Baptism. In 1 Cor 12 V 13 You are Baptized with ONE Spirit. Well we want the baptism of the Holy Spirit given by Jesus don't we? So Please don't add another one onto it! W/B will achieve absolutely nothing! Paul wrote 2 thirds of the New Testament but after ACTS he never once mentions that you need Water Baptism. Clearly Gentiles do not require W/B for any reason, otherwise Paul would have told them. Don't you think if W/B was even remotely necessary for the Gentiles he would have told them so but he never said a word about it. In fact In 1 Cor V 14 and 1 Cor 1 V 17 Paul said: "Thank God I baptized no-one" and "For Christ sent me NOT to Baptize". Why would Paul say that? His calling was to spread the Gospel. Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit to those who truly believe in him. So many churches these days are telling their Parishioners they need to be W/B to show others that they are declaring their faith in Jesus Christ. Oh really, well where does it say that in the Bible? The answer is nowhere at all, this is a man made idea and there is no basis for it in the scriptures. Many of these same churches are happy in allowing women to teach men in their churches, when the Bible clearly says that it is disgraceful for women to teach men in churches or congregations and Paul says this is for every church, everywhere, how can they dispute that? This hypocrisy is going on in so many churches these days. If you want to get W/B that's fine but it signifies nothing! You mentioned about a letter you received from a lady, I don't doubt it happened. I asked in prayer the same thing to be given the H/S and I was overwhelmed with the Spirit, I still am. There was no water involved and I have never been W/B. Perhaps you should check out Robert Breaker who has made about 500 videos, about 6/7 of them about baptisms. His most recent one a couple of days ago and during that video he says about guys on youtube who keep pushing W/B. And that there so very wrong in adding anything onto our faith. WHY DIDN'T YOU BRING UP Acts 11 V 16? OR Eph 4 V 5 and 1 Cor 12 V 13 which both clearly state ONE BAPTISM...what part of that don't you get? Robert has made some hour long videos about W/B and he proves that it is totally unnecessary. Your understanding of doctrine is excellent, but your way of the mark with this. Be Blessed.


Time stamp #4 (by; mrrbond)
1:52:00 – mic drop – Matthew 27:50 – veil ripped from top to bottom… and the graves were opened, many bodies of the saints who slept and were arose… type and shadow of those who were being baptized during the time of trumpets. This is the exact shadow of the end of days at the 7th trumpet when GOD’s people promised the resurrection from the dead.
1:54:00 – part of those who are resurrected from the dead are like the story/entire book of Daniel 12:13 “go thy way, till the end be. For thou shall rest and stand till the end of the days”. Daniel’s a part of the resurrection of the dead. Those being promised the resurrection from the dead are GOD’s own people from Romans 11; ‘if my people fall away, how much greater is their fullness going to be, but life from the dead’
1:56:30 – the baptisms started at the end of mark/start of trumpets and through trumpets period and the resurrection of the dead at Christ’s return, there’s going to be those who resurrect all of those who are HIS, they will come up out of their graves… Daniel and all those guys. They will come out of the grave!
1:57:40 – this is the group going out during the Millennial reign, and they are going to teach the world what so ever all things that GOD has commanded you. Promised to HIS people, and still had nothing to do with the great commission of being baptized in the name of the father, son, and holy ghost. Soak that up…giggle giggle.
1:59:30 - “that was jam packed guys!” – that first portion we were talking about with Aaron, I’m not going to go down that trail…not going to do a full video of it, unless the LORD himself tells him (Alain) to.
2:00:33 – end with this; sending of a statement about the baptism.. and talking about the video; “it’s BRIDE time! Is Your Garment Clean and White?” from 1 year ago. The instructions are about baptism from others, and even sister Rene’s testimony of baptizing herself last year.
2:04:17 – if you do your baptism with the right heart and right spirit within you, the LORD will hear you! This email from Rene was the email to validate that possibility of self-baptism verses having to wait on the ‘church’ and their schedule.
2:05:30 – Do not treat this as a bath or a show, but a formal baptism; “I repent and in Jesus Christ name, I am being baptized for the remission of sins” – then dunk.. and come out of the water and say “to receive the gift of the holy ghost”. Then your done & dry off; say it with all the love that you have for HIM and HE will hear and receive you. When you do it for your family members, they can dunk under water.


The logical jumps and painfully apparent contradictions of clear scripture are mind boggling. To call these revelations is to turn scripture on it head and then marvel at your head turning purple. If your “revelations” make Paul’s revelations from Christ himself a lie or at the very least cause massive confusion shouldn’t it cause you to pause? But no it this weird world of yours it seems only to reinforce your heresy.
So in Romans, Hebrews, Corinthians, Peter and John when it references only one sacrifice for ALL, it was a lie. But your strung together assumptions and innuendos are “solid ground?”
This is a shame. Because I really thought your had some good ideas. But if this is the fruit that it bears it reasonably questions the root.


Sounding the trumpet. Asking all God’s people to fast 1 day every Friday pray and seek God’s face. Joel 2. It is the only way God will pour His Spirit out on all flesh. Please join.


I agree it was difficult to understand the baptisms but I knew there was more to be understood. I think the person you mentioned will return, it's funny that I had left for a short period but I heard a mention of the 14 judgements and I thought instantly I've missed something I've got to go back. I lost sight of what brought me here because of unclear understanding.
1:12 minutes in and just wanted to say this is incredible to see. Everyone lift up my buddy buddy John up in prayer, he's a wheel man. A friend of ours.


When I was baptized, I physically felt what I believe to be the Holy Spirit, manifesting within me. I've had this feeling about a half dozen times in Church, since then.
If you haven't been baptized, what are you waiting for?


Time stamp #2 (by; mrrbond)
1:03:00 – Genesis 14 – Melchizedek shows up.
1:03:30 – reference to ‘got questions ministries’ who didn’t understand these things. Speaking of noah’s taking of the staff to strike the rock.
1:04:50 – Moses and Aaron struck the rock; (must “we” bring you water out of this rock) is speaking to moses and Aaron, not moses and GOD. Moses struck the rock twice because he was talking about himself and Aaron. Aaron was the cause of the second strike that hasn’t happened yet. Aaron’s the representation of the Levitical priest line of the 144, 000 where we were told 6:6 “if they should fall away, how would they be renewed because their names are already written in heaven” is the only way to save them would be to crucify Christ again.
1:09:00 – Mark & Matthew commission doesn’t include “repentance”. The repentance wasn’t there any more because the LORD was on Zion. The reason for the baptism, in the end time understanding relates to mark and the millennial reign. Mind blowing, jaw dropping, head exploding revelations! Painful and hard to believe, but it’s right there in scripture. Moses didn’t strike the rock for ‘no reason’. The second strike was because of Aaron and the power this group was given that some can’t handle in their flesh/humanness.
1:13:00 – do you want to go into the 3rd heaven or go through the seals as a part of the group unto paradise?
1:13:30 – Melia’s dream about the big open area of robes with black spots on them because they are in paradise. Those in paradise don’t get access to the inner portion of heaven (bridal chamber).
1:15:50 – the bride is rewarded according to her clean hands.
1:16:41 – reference of Psalms 24:3&4 – he who has clean hands and pure heart (‘made perfect”) blameless, clean, innocent. (word hands means power). These are the ones who will have palms in their hands. Just like marks group holding palms in their hands, compared to luke’s group who weren’t holding palms.
1:20:00 – cross references to Acts and the apostle Paul’s baptism, who was a Jew. Acts 9:9-16 “I will show him great things, and he must suffer for my name’s sake” 9:18 = ‘and immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales and he received sight forthwith and arose, and was baptized.” This does represent the gentiles process as well.
1:23:30 – story of the Eunuch…who was given all authority over the treasures under Candace queen of the Ethiopians.


Thank you for this deeper understanding Brother Alain! It’s so exciting to be living at this very moment in time, to witness the unsealing of the books and experience the deeper understanding of the Holy scriptures! WOW!! I am soooo ready to go HOME (or come back as a Harvest Worker? 🤷🏻‍♀️😬)!! Blessings to all of my Fourteener Family!! 🤗🙌🏼🙌🏼🕊✝️


Amazing--thank you Alain --Bless you and your family --God is so Good --so Amazing --so Incredible --I bless His Holy Name :- )


“For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1:17-18‬ ‭

Baptism in Holy Spirit through Preaching the Gospel of The Cross is what changes and purifies the soul and heart. Unto Transformation. And Submitting to The Spirit of God is what takes us to the third Heaven.

Repentance & Confession is what covers our sins.

Not the physical element of Water.
That was for a type to be Fulfilled...

“For John truly baptized with water; BUT ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭

Baptism of Holy Ghost and Fire is the new way... 🔥


Two strikes... as in Moses striking the rock twice? More significance to that? I guess I will find out... 4:30 in.


Some are told they are staying to complete his works on Earth different commission than the brides. But still strong believers.


I just bought your book! Im only on page 19 but mind is absolutely BLOWN!!!! I love it so far!!


WOW.. That's All I can say.. When He said "It is Finishes He wasn't kidding. Every loose end is taken care of.
