How to Create a Flask + React Project with Vite | Python Backend + React Frontend

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Hey guys, welcome back. In this video, I will show you guys how to set up a project with a Flask backend and a React frontend with Vite. We will set up a backend API with Python that returns an array of users and in the frontend, we will fetch that backend and display the same users onto the frontend.

If you don't know what Flask is, Flask is a Python-based web framework that is used to create web applications. It is a microframework, which means that it does not provide many of the features that larger frameworks do. Flask is designed to be extended and customized, and it can be used for web development in both production and development environments.

If you don't know what React is, React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and Instagram. React's declarative, efficient, and flexible nature make it an ideal choice for building user interfaces.

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