Four Day School Weeks Are The New Normal In Oklahoma (HBO)

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One third of all Oklahoma school districts are now operating on a four-day schedule.

Oklahoma has cut education funding per student more than any other state over the last 8 years. In the past, Oklahoma has compensated for funding cuts with oil revenue, but oil prices have declined in recent years.

“Teachers have been reluctant,” principal Nathan Gray told VICE News correspondent Roberto Ferdman. “You’re now forced to cover all the curriculum, all the testing that’s required by the state, in four days.”

In Oklahoma’s Noble school district, all schools are closed on Fridays to save money, one principal oversees two elementary schools to avoid hiring a second administrator, and the district superintendent also works bus duty.

Gray says a four-day school week isn’t what anyone wanted, but it was the only way to cope with the cuts. “This was our best way to survive.”

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Education is just not the department for budget cuts.


“It will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.” -Robert Fulghum


and yet you want these kids to compete in a global economy where kids from other countries outpace the US in math and science?


Oklahoma state ranks in the bottom 1/3 for average IQ of all US states.
Reducing the school week by 20% is truly a 'no-brainer'.


This is terrifying. How are they going to compete with students from other, better funded programs? How are they going to function in society when they're essentially undertrained for jobs that require a high school education? This is a clear crisis that needs immediate redress by someone with authority, but in our present society I doubt any true change will come.


There always budget for military and wars but no funding for education...


I wonder how these kids will do when they have to compete for college admissions against others who have had substantially more classroom hours.


This is what happens when you lower taxes, give too many tax breaks, and left with no money to fund schools! This is exactly what Trump wants to do with his economic plan, which has failed in most states.


4 days is actually better although not for that reason. everybody should have 4 day work weeks.


This is what happens when you vote against your own interest. I never understood why poor people vote Republican. They never cared about you, all they care for is their bottom line. And I'm not saying Democrats are any better because they're not. But we have more options than those two, we need to change the system so we can hear those other options in debates . GO GREEN 💚💚💚💚


I wish I had 4 day school days as a kid. I think this is actually a good thing if parents have the support to take care of their kids. A lot of curriculum that I learned as a kid was useless, biased, irrelevant, and repetitive from middle school to high school.


budget cuts aside, 4 days a week sounds pretty awesome, the 5th day could be something more recreational, outdoors, and arts focused (obviously if money wasn't the issue), with different kinds of teachers/instructors, for families that dont want to stay home.


I remember 15 years ago when I was in middle school in Mustang Oklahoma . they turned off the fluorescent lights in the halls to save energy. Every kid had a flashlight


This segment originally aired Oct. 21, 2016, on VICE News Tonight on HBO.

One third of all Oklahoma school districts are now operating on a four-day schedule.

Oklahoma has cut education funding per student more than any other state over the last 8 years. In the past, Oklahoma has compensated for funding cuts with oil revenue, but oil prices have declined in recent years.

“Teachers have been reluctant, ” principal Nathan Gray told VICE News correspondent Roberto Ferdman. “You’re now forced to cover all the curriculum, all the testing that’s required by the state, in four days.”

In Oklahoma’s Noble school district, all schools are closed on Fridays to save money, one principal oversees two elementary schools to avoid hiring a second administrator, and the district superintendent also works bus duty.

Gray says a four-day school week isn’t what anyone wanted, but it was the only way to cope with the cuts. “This was our best way to survive.”


I worked in Oklahoma's Public schools for 3 years. I remember helping some sophomores with their WWII history essays, they all thought Japan was a U.S. City somewhere by California. I had to leave to find a better paying job.


They don't want smarter people, y'all.


Make the libraries a daycare for elementary and middle schoolers. Give high schoolers volunteer hours for babysitting so they can make it an extra curricular. Use the high schoolers as tutors for the younger ones. Not a great solution but it could work.


Why does the thumbnail looks like a colorized photo from the 50s?


This is a perfect example of why the current teacher walkout was a long time coming


I think 4 days of school is okay but budget cuts are not! 😭😭😭
