Outlook's 2029 Lifeline: Embrace or Avoid the New Outlook App?

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This Week in IT, Microsoft is promising to support the classic Outlook desktop app until 2029, but not everyone is happy with the new Outlook for Windows client. I take a look at the new app and whether you should consider using it or holding off for now.
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⌚ Time stamps
00:00 - Start
01:03 - Classic Outlook app support timeline and playbook for updates to new Outlook for WIndows client
03:46 - Outlook for Windows design, architecture, and deployment
07:40 - What's missing from Outlook for WIndows?
09:45 - Outlook for Windows - my experience (cons)
13:05 - Outlook for Windows - my experience (pros)
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Thanks for watching! What do you think about the new Outlook for Windows? Let me know in the comments below.


My biggest issue with new Outlook is the lack of distribution lists. It wants to create a Teams team for any "distribution list" I want to create.


Too much missing from the new client. I had to switch back to classic because:
- no support for HP Wolf security (probably relies on a COM addin)
- no pinning shared mailboxes to favourites (this may have changed recently though)

On a side note, signatures in general are very lacking atm even though the roaming feature has recently been added. It still lacks the easy ability of an administrator to set a company wide default enforced signature using AD meta data. Furthermore, bizarrely roaming signatures don't roam to the mobile version of Outlook, so not really roaming. 🤦‍♂️

Classic Outlook is like a swiss army knife, it has pretty much everything even if it does consume more memory.


OMG - 3.5K subscribers? This channel should have hundreds of thousands.!!!


E-mail has come a long way since 1969. Yes, I was an alpha-tester for the ARPANET while I was in High school here in Vancouver, BC. I sent an "e-mail" to SFU in Burnaby, BC using a Telex machine hooked to an acoustic modem & a telephone hand-set. It has changed a lot in 55 yrs. I do like the new Outlook & Calendar.


I tried it. And wend back after 1 hour. What ticked my off was the distorted look of Shared Mailboxes of M365. And no options for favourites for these mailboxes.

Nice Update.


What is the support for on-premises Exchange servers? What about Rules? How can I migrate my messages from an on-prem Exchange server to hosted Exchange without using a PST? Are nested folders supported? What about search folders? How many gmail accounts can I add simultaneously? Can I sort and group the views on folders individually?


I've been using the new client for about the same time you have, and on the whole, I like it too. However, what I miss from the old client, in addition to what you listed in the video is: tasks that repeat from task completion date (re-do) and fine-grain control of event reminders. Let's hope Microsoft has those features on the roadmap!


I don't think I can disagree more with the video and the comments- I manage about 150 clients using Outlook; **one** of them likes the new 'simplified' Outlook. The rest universally hate it, and feel that it's very much a downgrade from the Classic windows application. I truly don't understand how the further dumbing down of the UI and features can be considered benefits- it's almost like MS is saying "why run windows, everything is a web app now".  

Note that I feel this way about almost all modern software; most of it has made major UI regressions (collapsing a menu bar down into a hamburger menu, or the opposite of expanding it into a giant multi-pane ribbon, plus the elimination of underused features, etc.

Overall, I sort of get the feeling that the presenter loves the new Outlook and glosses over all the bad points. Maybe I'm just grumpy waiting for the weekend :D


I've used Outlook, since it was Internet MAill, then as Outlook Express. I've tried the new Outlook, and don't like it as it sits. The main reason is that I cannot set the event reminders to times that I need, as they are all baked into the app. If Microsoft makes that happen then I will re look at it, as it fits nicely with the Outlook Lite app on my Android phone.
PS Will subscribe


One major difference I noted: in the classic app, you had the integrated option to send an IMAP email to OneNote; this is not available in the new app.


I keep trying to switch to the new outlook and I just actually can’t. No templates destroys my productivity


Could not care one bit less about the "new modern look and feel" if that comes at the price of large parts of the functionality missing from the old outlook .


New client is also missing touch gestures - can't swipe to delete/flag like you can in windows mail (or apple mail using trackpad). I know not everyone uses touchscreen devices (though many people have nice trackpads now), but my goodness it makes sifting through email faster than this new version allows.


Very fast, pushing all accounts to icloud mail and working fine so far. Thanks for video


Full of bugs! Keeps launching extra copies, mail you have read (gmail) goes back to unread, deleted mail returns, Sent items are later found in the drafts folder... And you get ads.


my only issue is not being able to Favorite shared mailbox folders like a sharded inbox


How many versions of outlook are there, jeez so confusing. That is why I like Apple ecosystem for simplicity or even Google


I really like the new outlook. I use full time now. Simpler and more pleasing to the eye. I like the way you can preview an attachment.


We use Shared mailbox’s and they do not surface as an additional mailbox with other mailboxes
