The Matrix Dekoded: The Matrix is the EGO

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Analysis of the most important points of The Matrix 1999.
IG: @sha_dra_elav8
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Fantastic analysis! Powerful film, well explained in terms of a variety of philosophies and perspectives, utilizing citations and examples from the film to examine some of history's oldest and most profound themes and conundrums. Well done.

More please! 🤯


Thank you for posting this. Have heard many Matrix breakdowns but this went the furthest. Really well written. I've watched this move so many times and never realized that it starts at the heart and ends there too. It helped me to see what's been right in front of my eyes the whole time. Loved this.


I'm so glad that I found psychedelics at a young age.


I don't have words.. thank you for creating this video. I have been listening to Allan Watts and Eckart Tolle, but I have to say what you share seems to be updated to our times that makes it more easily understood. That being said, it also opens up more questions. Once awakened, you state that it's like living in a lucid dream. I've have lucid dreams where I could do incredible things and the sense of power and joy is amazing. I guess my question is echoing Neo's question though that I still don't understand.. the question he asks about bending the spoon. when you're awake you grasp the emptiness of the material realm and the fullness of the spiritual realm, you realize that you are the spoon. The spoon bends for Neo then.. This is where I get lost.. are we to take this literally, that once we awaken, we can do the miraculous? Why don't we see this happening today? modern day miracles don't seem to exist.. I mean, I know that the sunrise, the birth of a baby, the flight of a bee, these things are miraculous, but what I'm talking about is walking on water, healing the sick, manifesting what are known as the gifts of the spirit.. is this what we are capable of doing (in a non-egoic way of course) when we have awakened?


If we are ever going to survive on this planet, we have to quiet our minds and keep our egos in check. Presence is needed. Don't forget to mark a special day on your calendar: World Ego Awareness Day (WEAD) is on May 11th of this year.


Very well structured analysis, thank you!


i read somewhere their original idea was to use people's brains at least partially as CPU cores to help run the Matrix.
this was of course too damn complex idea for the McDonalds culture back in the early 2000 when computers were still not as common as today.
so they came up with the more graphic Duracell that everybody understood.
but this means they would have been literally imprisoned by their own minds / brains.


Everyone in the matrix looks like they’re having so much fun... I don’t wanna miss out on that.... I don’t want to be alone.... even though- .... I just wanna be one of them... losing ego means losing “good” or “bad” happy or sad.... I don’t want to just “exist” .... I feel like I’m at the crossroads... I know too much to turn back yet I’m too paralyzed with fear of the unknown to go forward... I know I’ll make the right decision though... it’s the only way


Wow, this is brilliantly done. So glad a distant friend shared it with me. Gona follow & share to all my support groups. Thank you so much. May more awaken out of the Matrix this year 🙏.
