The Chill of Death | Ep. 25

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Happy Halloween! It's a bizarre year—Halloween is basically forbidden in some of the stricter lockdown states. On this special episode of "Young Heretics," Spencer Klavan, with help from the great American master of horror Edgar Allan Poe, dives into the history of the day and explains why the people who attack it are absurd.


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Today’s academies of higher education are so consumed with race theory, queer theory, gender theory, and every other theory you can think of that they miss what makes Western culture—specifically Western literature, philosophy, and poetry—great.

With Spencer Klavan at the helm, Young Heretics explores culture without the culture wars, abandons political correctness, and leaves no subject off limits by analyzing great works of literature.


Connect with Young Heretics to dive into the true wealth of Western literature, philosophy, and history:

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These conversations always, always go deeper than I expect; I absolutely love it! What a brilliant listen! I could be misremembering, but wasn’t Louisa May Alcott’s March family Transcendentalists, too?


Any chance of doing some Dante? I'm reading him now.


Another great episode and like many others who have commented, I too am learning a lot.
Still not a big fan of Halloween though (it is not a Big holiday here in Australia but is increasing in popularity) but It was interesting considering it through idea that all culture is appropriated. Thank you again, I really enjoy listening.


On the issue of social engagement I think we should consider grouping together with like-minded people, I don't really know how, maybe through FB groups. I have personally arrived at a very satisfactory level of understanding and existential wellbeing: I think I found myself. The only trouble I find is I am surrounded by the enemy on all flanks. I want to meet and get to know people like me to make friends, possibly meet a partner who shares these values. And networking could be good politically as well.
The IDW is for nothing if we, the ppl at the frontlines, do not assemble and create real world alternatives. I don't mean it as a way to split off or create our own cult or marginal identity, but to establish a base from where we could operate better, a center, a home. If we don't do this we don't stand a chance of reclaiming key institutions, and I don't mean it in a national or partisan sense. I am speaking globally. We should be building a global community with local institutions.
Those of you who have such a community, even if it is with a few friends should try to reach out to others in the same situation. I only have one single friend who shares my views on these things, and I wish I knew more people like us. Any info on that is appreciated.


Little reverb and delay on that laugh wouldve been awesome. Missed opportunity ://


Thanks so much for the show. I’ve really learned a lot. I think it would be awesome if you did a book shelf tour so we could see all your books. Thanks!


Great show. I’ve enjoyed every episode. Keep it up please. Thank you


Listener from Ireland. Really like the podcast. Just one thing on this one - you mention Ireland being part of the British Isles. That is not correct. Northern Ireland is part of Britian but the Republic of Ireland is not. Long, complex history there.


Enjoy and learn from all your episodes... thank you! The Klavan needs to promote your channel more... you should at least have as many followers as him.😁
