Kubernetes Architecture Explained

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This video explains you all the components of the Kubernetes Architecture. You are going to learn the following components,

- API Server
- Scheduler
- etcd
- Controller Manger
- Kubelet
- Runtime e.g. Docker, CRI-O, Rocker, Runc
- Kube Proxy
- CoreDNS

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Video Transcript:
in this video i'm going to explain toyouthe kubernetes architecture nowkubernetes kubernetes has thesemaster and the nodesthe clients or the workers are called asnodes in kubernetes terminologyand the big box that you see here is themaster now kubernetes mastercontains many components starting withtheapi server api server is the interfaceto the outside world soanyone who wants to talk to the apikubernetesenvironment has to go through the apiserver it could be the usersit could be the kubernetes dashboards orit could beany third-party application let's sayopenshift sits on top of kubernetes soit has to go through the api serverin order to leverage the kubernetesfunctionalitieseven the nodes talk to the api serverthere's a component from the node whichwe're going to look at laterwhich talks to the api server api servercoordinates with all the othercomponentsand then gets things done the secondcomponent which is also very importantis the scheduler now let's look atwhat scheduler actually does so when youwant to launchyour container based workloads you mayhave you know maybe hundreds of nodes inyour clusterso how do you decide which containerruns on which node that you havenow for that you may have multipleconstraints so you may want to run aparticular typeof work workloads on particular type ofnodes may be cpu intensive operationson cpu optimized machines and so onor you may have constraints you may haveyou may define affinities and so on soscheduler isthe one which provides the intelligenceand makes those decisions for youintelligently and decideswhere to run which container the job issimplethe next component is the controllermanagernow controllers are the ones who areresponsible forproviding the application deployment theway the containers are launchedthe way they scale and uh the way theyare deployed the word new versions ofit and so on right and then there aremanydifferent controllers which areavailableinside kubernetes so when you want torunthose multiple replicas and run yourapplication with high availabilityit is the controller like deploymentwhich provides you with thatthe replication uh scalingand the strategy to go from one versionto anotheris all defined and controlled by thecontrollersand then there are different controllersthat kubernetes hasfor different types of workloads let'shave a look at thoseso when you want to run those statelessapplicationstypically your application servers andso onwith high availability you would use acontroller by name deploymentwhen you want to run agents let's sayyou want to run monitoring agents youwant to run somethingon every node in your cluster you woulduse something called as a demon setdemon set guarantees thatyou run one node one instance of thatapplicationon every node when you want to runstateful applications like databases andso onyou know where you need persistentstorage and certain way of deployingthose and so onuh you would use stateful sets to run adhoc jobsyou would use the controller called jobswhich is runto completion and when you want to runcron jobs there is a controller for ittoonow kubernetes actually even thoughthere are different controllers all ofthose are compiled intoone single binary and thatis the controller manager component thatyou seerunning on your kubernetes master so allof these arecombined into the controller managerand the one you saw in the architectureearlieris this component that's the one that'sthe controller managerso we talked about api server thescheduler controller manager and nowwe're going to look atone of the most important aspects andthe component of kubernetes the brain ofkubernetes that is the hcdwhy i call it's not really the brainbecause it's more like a storage....
Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for your efforts K8s architecture now have cleared picture in mind ..


One of the most concise, and to the point explanation on this topic. Much appreciated for your efforts.


Found it very helpful for my exam today. Great work 😌


Super comprehensive yet simplified explanation...


Thanks for sharing such precise summary of k8s architecture
*Update, docker has been deprecated, Container d is the container runtime for k8s now.


hi good morning Brother feel free could you make a video for the following questions if time permits
The customer is approaching u to deploy a highly secured infrastructure. What was the best practice to suggest

So many aspects are they how you will implement in the cloud (AWS) from the scratch.

So in that scenario what are the security best practices that u follow?

How will we configure AWS infrastructure? How will u take from scratch to Kubernetes?

How will you plan to implement the infrastructure?

Best practices we follow for infrastructure?

AWS Alb + ingress controller have u tried?

How u can implement Autoscaling at pod level?

On what component HPA relies on in order to bring up the Autos calling we have to bring up

Some file or what the dependent controller for HPA

What are k8s managed services u have used?

Have u implemented any self-managed clusters?

What are the security best practices that u follow in k8s?

Where do u store secrets?

Have u created any helm chats from scratch?

What are the policies u used for k8s?

What is the backend used for storing secrets?

What are the monitoring and logging solutions u used for this?

Have u used any lambda functions?

Have u used the API gateway?API gateway what are the features or just like a router?

Have u ever hosted a static website on AWS using S3 + cloud front or cloud formation?


What are the best practices in terraform to bring up ur infra or developing the terraform


How u will secure Main.tf and state file mgmt?

CI/CD tools u r familiar with?

How do you reduce the docker image?

Have u ever used docker-compose and docker swarm?

Difference between k8s and docker swarm


Thank you for this awesome video, I really appreciate your job, you help me a lot.


Which software you are using for editing..tell..for this type of content


@School of Devops 
Could you please share the tool or device your writing/editing as it appears to be writing over paper or whiteboard


Which tool ur using for drawing? its cool


Hi Sir, my question is like whats the difference between docker and RUNc. Could you please elaborate on this to clarify.


If i am using envoy+istio alongside my K8 cluster, then is it still kubelet doing all the probes/health checks or is it envoy now replacing the job of kubelet....
