4 Myths About GMOs | Mashable

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There have been plenty of misconceptions on the web regarding GMOs. To clear the confusion, we've debunked four of the most common myths.


"AE18 - Groovin With Ned (Dance Trance)” by Ned Frankly

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“Corn” by Phil Roeder is licensed under CC BY 2.0

"Bolivia_soybean6" by Neil Palmer (CIAT) is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Benton farms HDR" by Thadd Seldon is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Amish Farmer in A Field” by Bob Jagendorf is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Pommes, pommes et encore pommes … (Explore)” by anne arnould is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Army scientists energize battery research” by “U.S. Army RDECOM” is licensed under CC BY 2.0

"what's better than love? feels like love, feels like love : farmer's market organic tomatoes, noe @ market, san francisco (2012)” by torbakhopper HE DEAD is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Corn Field at Dusk” by Nick Page is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Medical/Surgical Operative Photography” by Phalinn Ooi is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“[Golden Week] Breakfast at Saizeriya” by scion_cho is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“corn on the cob monster” by jencu is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“DNA representation” by Andy Leppard is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Edamame” by cyclonebill is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Rice up close” by Rowan Peter is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Soybean Harvest Day, Clinton, Michigan” by F. D. Rcihards is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Fruit and Veg” by Garry Knight is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Smoked salmon and salad” by Matt Ryall” is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Papaya” by Dan is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“20130920-OC-LSC-0300” by U.S. Department of Agriculture is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Mustard seeds” by Jessica Spengler is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Seedlings” by Steven Lilley is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Corn Field” by Mycatkins is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“06410002” by IAEA Imagebank is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Seedlings” by russellstreet is licensed under CC BY 2.0

This reminds me of leaded gasoline. "It's perfectly safe" said government regulators and leading "scientists". Scientists who were bought and paid for by corporate money. 


A fair, unbiased video on GMOs. I'm actually impressed.


I'm don't really want to get into anything about the GMO argument on YouTube, but I must say I loved at the end how it said "Monsanto owns the patent to the Terminator gene, but they PROMISED to never use it". Oh okay, well if they promised we should just trust them, sounds good to me.


How are you saying tomatoes have not been approved by government regulators and are not available commercially when you previously cited that a tomato called "Flavr Savr' was approved and put on shelves in 1994?


Selective breeding is identical to genetic modification, it IS genetic modification the slow way. We just don't have the time to get all the traits we need the slow way.


Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev recently announced that Russia will no longer import GMO products, stating that the nation has enough space, and enough resources to produce organic food.

European Union one step closer to law on national GMO crop bans.
Members of the European Parliament on November 11 backed a plan to allow nations to ban genetically modified crops on their soil, even if they are given approval to be grown in the European Union, raising the chance their use will remain limited on the continent.


The fact remains, gmo's are profitable for these companies because of their resistance to pests, longer shelf lives, etc. Anytime a corporation can make more money, they will exploit it regardless of the risk to consumers.These companies pay big money to keep the general public in the dark or just change perception with BS videos like this. Its been done countless times by cigarette companies, natural gas companies with fracking, and pharmaceutical companies. As long as profit margins are the main goal. We all lose. It's the world we live in.


It's just like the cigarette companies they still say there products don't give you cancer. It's all good until shit hits the fan and then what are they going to say ( whoops sorry. We're making something to fix this problem now.)


GMOs are safe but it isn't entirely true that it can't be harmful.
Technically speaking it can be modified to produce stuff that makes it harder to digest, just like how some crops are more pest resistant.

In all, the GMOs should be tested to ensure it is safe for consumption just like any other food.


Oh well if Monsanto Promised..I guess we have nothing to worry about. They seem like a stand up company that can be trusted with our health and well being.


Conspiracy brains conspiracy brains everywhere. Ugh 😔


increases in the amount of glycan binding lectins in the food = ?


Selective breeding is not remotely similar to genetic modification. Given that was your opening premise one has to wonder about the value of what follows.


Bravo Mashable next you should do a little presentation about "Global Warming" being a myth... Monsanto must have paid good money for this one...


hmm, they have PROMISED not to use the terminator gene?!? A corporation that promises not to make as much money as they can? Yeah,


i would still prefer locally grown, organic No love for the farmer's market now a days it seems.


And how much where you at Mashable paid for putting up this video?


Brought to you by Monsanto. Too bad it's all a straw man argument. Nice try.


i just cant agree with hybridising plant and animal dna, i wouldnt agree with hybridising any two species that have to be "forced" so to speak, IE cloning.
