Learning The Foundations of Hand Therapy

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If you are an OT student in fieldwork, a new grad, or an experienced OT wanting to switch into hand therapy...I'm launching Foundations of Hand Therapy for YOU!
This is a great starter program to see if you LIKE hand therapy, get you prepared for getting a job in hand therapy, and prepared when you are in that job.
It's a program you buy and keep forever.
Get 24/7 access anytime you need it.
Over 5 hours of videos - step by step instructions as well as sample videos to apply what you are learning.
Resources to help you apply what you are learning.
I say job...but once you are's all about building your career in hand therapy. Nothing is better then developing yourself both personally and professionally. Imagine all the people you can help in your lifetime...not just your "patients" but yourself and your family and friends by knowing the basics of hand therapy :)
#CertifiedHandTherapy #OccupationalTherapy #HandTherapyTraining
This is a great starter program to see if you LIKE hand therapy, get you prepared for getting a job in hand therapy, and prepared when you are in that job.
It's a program you buy and keep forever.
Get 24/7 access anytime you need it.
Over 5 hours of videos - step by step instructions as well as sample videos to apply what you are learning.
Resources to help you apply what you are learning.
I say job...but once you are's all about building your career in hand therapy. Nothing is better then developing yourself both personally and professionally. Imagine all the people you can help in your lifetime...not just your "patients" but yourself and your family and friends by knowing the basics of hand therapy :)
#CertifiedHandTherapy #OccupationalTherapy #HandTherapyTraining
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Which Hand Plane Should You Get? | Hand Plane Foundations
3 Great Tips for Block-work | Build A Foundation
There Are Only Two Types of Hand Saws - Hand Saw Foundations
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