Boost Your Career in Digital Forensics with CHFI | Rachel Hawes's Success Story

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Rachel Hawes is from the United States. She holds a degree in Criminal Justice who started her career with a retail company in the fraud prevention department. During her job, she engaged herself in educating customers about the ways to protect themselves from fraud attacks.
This is when she realized her interest and inclination towards Cybersecurity as a career and started with one of the Federal Government agencies as a Cybersecurity Technician.
In this video, she talks about how she was able to transition into a better cybersecurity role after completing her master's degree in cybersecurity along with EC-Council's C|HFI as a Digital Forensic Certification.
This helped her upgrade her role from a Cybersecurity Technician to a Cyber Defense Operator. She also shares why aspiring Digital Forensic Investigators should consider C|HFI.
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