Imagine the following situation: There are 10 candidates in constituency A. Each receives 10% of the votes, except one who receives 10% + 1 vote. First past the post system means that this candidate is elected despite having only 10% (+1 vote) support in the constituency. All the other votes are DISREGARDED. ... This means that theoretically - should this happen in every one of the 650 constituencies - a single party could acquire 100% seats with mere 10% of the votes with 90% of the votes being disregarded altogether. What an insane unrepresentative system.
I find the first-past-the-pole system to be somewhat undemocratic. Also the fact that not all MPs can sit in the Commons at once.
why don't they expand parliament to have more benches?
Time to end the first-past-the-post system.
If anyone here HASN'T watched the CGP Grey videos on why First Past the Post is just the worst, I highly recommend it.
imagine if we had a genuinely democratically functional system
As a British Citizen who has voted in our elections I can prove that the First Past the Post System is flawed because yes you can vote for your favourite candidate in your district/constituency however when you look at the results the winning candidates doesn’t actually win the majority vote because if you add all the opposition candidates votes together and compare it to the winners then they haven’t actually won the majority of their constituency meaning the elections system is flawed.
I also understand people have there own opinions and I will respect that as I am not out right hating our elections just pointing out a flaw in the system.
If the election doesn't turn out the way I want it to then there must be a People's Election where everyone has to vote again.
And the establishment is probably just about now waking up and wishing they had introduced proportional representation about 20 years ago.
Who is this aimed at, five year olds?
BBC stop explaining things. So patronising. Just INFORM at the very least try to inform with a little accuracy too
The Prime Minister isn't necessarily the party leader with the most amount of seats. Rather the PM is the leader who can maintain the confidence of the house.
In this Internet age, why not have GLOBAL PARLIAMENT to work for EQUALITY for all HUMANITY... It can save billions of dollars on election expenses alone...
A headline from the BBC News website,
"General election 2019: Labour and Tories pledge more borrowing"
So, more debt for the UK tax payer to pay off interesting sales pitch!
The system is pretty simple:
1. Turn up.
2. Put cross next to SNP.
3. Watch as English vote against their own interests again for a Tory gov or brexit slanted party.
4. The end of the UK
it is better and fairer if Britain's voting system is changed to one of proportional representation as it would allow smaller political parties to grow.
This general election should have been next year in spring time because it’s cold outside in December
It’s a really unfair system... only labour and conservatives say it isn’t because they benefit from it. D’ Hondt and approval are better systems.
With this system, it’s going to take a long time before we see a Prime Minister from the Plaid Cymru party.
In the Netherlands, we just vote for a candidate of a party, from a list of candidates for each party.
All the votes are counted and our seats of parliament are distributed accordingly. Crazy system, right?