10 non obvious signs someone is wealthy

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Everyone, at some point in their lives, has witnessed extravagant displays of riches. The man in his convertible Bentley, flaunting his Richard Mille watch and Louis Vuitton sunglasses. With her Hermes Birkin bag and red-soled Louboutin shoes, the woman walks around.

However, not everyone who is wealthy does so in this manner. In truth, most people who have grown accustomed to their money don't feel compelled to flaunt it.

Hi there, welcome to Expaat TV. Your number one expert adviser.
In today’s knowledge-sharing video, we will be discussing 10 non-obvious signs that show someone is wealthy...
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The first sign that shows someone is wealthy is when they are supremely self-assured.


In many circumstances, financial security provides such confidence.

And no, we are not referring to someone who has inherited a large sum of money and is living off of it.

Those individuals are frequently tormented by a lack of motivation and self-doubt.

However, if you are a self-made multi-millionaire, you are most likely going to exude the confidence that comes with it (often unintentionally).

People who are self-made millionaires understand what it took to get there, are proud of their achievements, and are confident that even if they lost everything, they could rebuild their empire because no one can take away their intelligence, drive, knowledge, or skills, which enabled them to achieve their wealth in the first place.


Number two, they are unconcerned about little details.


Most truly wealthy people are often less concerned about many of the issues that most ordinary people are concerned about, such as a broken transmission, a malfunctioning furnace, or a leaking roof.

Any of these factors has the potential to disrupt a person's budget and generate significant stress.

These things, on the other hand, do not register on the radar of the secretly wealthy.

They realize that these things happen from time to time and that they have more than enough money to deal with them.


The third non-obvious sign that shows someone is wealthy is that they rarely make money complaints.


At some point, almost everyone will complain about money.

A typical person might moan about the cost of gas or the inexplicable fees on their cable bill even when engaging in light conversation.

However, a wealthy person will not.

Indeed, wealthy individuals may not even be aware of how much these items cost because they simply pay without considering the amount.

When you have millions of dollars in your bank account, paying 80 dollars to fill up your SUV won't raise any questions.

There is one exception to this rule, though.

Wealthy people may (and often do) grumble about taxes because it is something that has a significant impact on their wealth, regardless of how much they have.


Number four; their clothes are well-fitting and of good quality.


Let's have a look at an external sign of hidden riches, clothes.

There are absolutely wealthy individuals who will wear designer labels and flaunt their money.

Those who don't, on the other hand, may expect high-quality clothing that is usually well-fitting.

For the wealthy, comfort is more important than flaunting their riches.

Wealthy people do not put up with any kind of suffering as they feel they don't have to.

This implies that their clothes will be made of luxurious fabrics like cashmere sweaters, high-quality cotton shirts and pants, and custom-tailored suits made of the finest silk or wool for more formal occasions.
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