15 must know Array Methods in JavaScript | JavaScript interview questions | hindi

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15 must know Array Methods in JavaScript | JavaScript interview questions | hindi
in this videos we have covered top 15 must know Array Methods in JavaScript. We have detailed explanation and use of array methods like map, forEach, filter, some, every, find, includes, slice, splice, reduce, push, pop ,unshift, shift, and indexOf.
These methods are mostly asked in interview questions. every web developer or frontend developer must know all these methods in JavaScript.

0:00 Introductions
1:05 map()
2:36 forEach()
3:56 map() vs forEach()
4:20 filter()
6:09 some()
7:09 every()
8:18 find()
9:34 inclueds()
12:51 slice()
15:12 splice()
18:44 reduce()
23:05 push()
23:44 pop()
24:06 unshift()
24:35 shift()
25:04 indexOf()
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solve this one please

input = [ 'h1', 'o2', 'l3', 'l4', 'o5' ];
output : hello
