Woodmizer LT 15 GO with 25 HP Kohler - Setup and Milling

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I made this video after getting home from a long drive to pick up the mill in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Woodmizer world headquarters. I show the setup and cutting of my first log which is a Pine.
This Mill has the upgraded 25 HP Kohler motor on it. The wood went straight into my garage and was put on the walls as you can see at the end of the video.

This was the first time running the mill, and I made a lot of mistakes, but that is how we learn. Thanks for watching!

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this was perfect.  nice to see someone doing it for the first time instead of the pro's.  thanks for sharing it screw ups and all.


Great video, thanks for sharing, both pro's and con's, lets the rest of know what to expect!


I have the exact same mill...and you'll discover "tricks" the longer you have it. One I'll share with you: You can get a bit more lumber out of a log if you find how high center is on both end of the log off the mill bed, take the difference and divide by two and then brace up the small end of the log that much when squaring your log on the first two sides. I carry different size wood shims with me for that purpose. Good luck man.


Oh my god your not going to use 2 clamps on that 6ft. log are you? Some people would use 2 back stop points but thats just some people.. Anyway good vid it was exacltly what I needed to see and dont take my 70 year old sarcasim to heart cause it was a good vid and helpful to someone like me that is thinking about buying that same machine. Good luck chum.


Man it looks so cold there. 
Since you have had your mill a couple of years now, what are your thoughts on it. Are you happy with it, do you wish you would have bought a different mill, How are you handling blade setting and sharpening? 
Thanks for taking the time to show us using your mill etc. I hope you have a blessed week.


I can assume that your still in business and can still count to ten on different fingers. That first day is murder. I'm not sure I would of shown that one but you did and you get a atta boy for it. Learning to be a good sawyer is a or time thing. I never got good at anything but I could do most anything if you know what I mean. There is money to be made in the wood business but it is tuff to get all the sales that you need at first but then you know that now too. I only hope that your very successful


A few tricks to learn what comes to clamping


See how easy that log rolled out of the stack. You were just standing there! Even a small log will snap you legs, sawmilling is dangerous be ware


When you clamped the log, how far off of 90* did it end up?  I've having the same issue with the LT10, and I'm starting to wonder if WoodMizer is going to try to 'cure the


Keep your clamps low. mine are simpler and are usually set at 1/2 inch except my first three cuts.


smart guy..nice mill…u will have the money u paid for the mill back quickly


I can't believe it took you 4 tries to get the log clamped adequately!!!! What a rookie !!!


any uppdate on the WOOD MIZER LT15??any videos off cuurrent situations?


Why not move the log and use both dogs?


That engine sounds like it wants to die when not under load
