Current Affairs MCQS for UPSC Prelims-In Telugu || Part-1 || By Jailsingh Sir

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UPSC Preparation strategy in telugu by JAILSINGH sir, this class is really helpfull to those who are preparing for UPSC from telugu medium background students.Jail singh sir has shared his experience of upsc journey and useful tips for upsc aspirants particularly preparing in telugu medium.

Jailsingh sir has cleared UPSC mains in first attempt with self preparation in Telugu medium. and selected for interview also , and jail singh sir has cleared other exams like SSC CGL, IBPS bank PO,IPPB and railways. To share his experience and knowledge in various competitive exams , he has started a youtube channel for guiding all the aspirants in particular who are with telugu medium background and preparing for various competitive exams like UPSC , TSPSC, SSC CGL, IPBP bank PO etc.. Please watch, subscribe and share.Your support will help him to make more vedios , which will be helpfull to many students like us.
UPSC preparation in telugu
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Thanks sir good session 👍 solve pyq also 2013to2019 my personal request sirrr
