How Did Jesus Perform Miracles?

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The answer is Yes. We can see this in the resurrection of Jesus.

Gal. 1:1, "God the Father…raised Him from the dead."
John 10:17, "I (Jesus Christ the Son) lay down My life that I may take it again."
1 Peter 3:19, "Christ…made alive in the Spirit."

So who raised Jesus from the dead? The entire Triune God in a singular action that incorporates the operations of all Three.

The question addressed in the video arises when we separate the Trinity.


Ambiguous? Jesus said: But if I cast out demons *by the Spirit of God, * surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. (Matt. 12:28 NKJ)

In all things made like unto his brethren surely means dependence on the Spirit. (Heb. 2:17)


While Craig might be right its slightly ambiguous at times, it's become a very hot theological topic because of the hypercharismatic position. They hold very aggressively to the former position: That Christ did everything through his obedience to the will of the Father empowered by the Holy Spirit and thus, an essential part of us, as Christ followers being "like Christ" is not merely to model him in humility etc, but also in his miracle working power: Thus, they see no reason why followers today should not also raise the dead, walk on water etc.
Therefore it might be helpful for Craig to unpack this issue a little more.


I will leave this question to the theologians. I’m thankful that Jesus performed the Miracles, and that the New Testament authors recorded these events for us. Amen.


Jesus' Divine Nature and the Holy Spirit are the same Being. Different Persons, but the same Being. So I don't understand the question.


Um....Jesus is God, asking how he performed miracles is kind of a moot point. That said, Jesus clearly laid aside some of His divine rights while on earth and was led by the Father and the Holy Spirit but to say "well it was this or that much we're not really told"


Yeshua, Jesus, was never humiliated.
He did all through his own being to glorify His Father. Even unto the cross which He undertook because of the Glory He saw before him.
His father’s spirit was from conception within him - after all He is and was and forever will be Emmanuel? God with us.
But yes He willingly left much if not all if His Godly power was n heaven so as to be fully human too.
Yeshua (Jesus) is fully human but fully God too


He was the Son of God, perfectly aligned with the Father in nature and experience. Everything else is none of my business.


Because he did not use his divinity on earth, it was the Father in heaven who actually performed the miracles. Before he performed a miracle sometimes Jesus would "sigh" and look up in the sky.


It's a false dichotomy. Jesus performed miracles by the power of the Spirit and by his own power, since the Son and the Spirit share numerically one and the same power. To say otherwise would be tritheism.


nothing like baseless presuppositions from an apologist. Curiously enough, jesus didn't exist and thus no miracles. No one noticed a single thing, and WLC just has his baseless bible stories to claim as "evidence".

It's notable how this jesus also promised his true believers would be able to do miracles, healing injury and illness, etc and not one of these self-professed christains can do that at all.


We cannot prove any of this empirically. This can only be believed with faith.
Faith is not a scientific function. So, we should be honest about using faith rather than reason concerning miracles.


Jesus performed miracles by the gospel authors making it up.


Before you get to the how, you have to address the did. We have claims, but there has never been any objective evidence for miracles.


That may be a "controversial question" for theologians, but there is a much more pressing issue that evangelicals are not taking head-on. Legions of young people are totally ignoring religion because the preachers and their followers are not addressing the credibility issues. We live in a world of space travel, organ transplants, instant global communication and access to vast amounts of information right on our phones. We do not live in a world of miracles, angels, and demons. Young folks do not believe Adam & Eve were real people, or that because of Adam we all have to beseech a god for mercy or be punished forever, or that there was ever a global flood. My generation (boomers) are the last that is willing to gloss over the absurdities and implausible claims. You don't seem to comprehend what most young folks already know - that the vast majority of human knowledge is inconceivable in a biblical context.


😂😂 Jesus performed miracles by creative writing skills of new testament authors and exagerrated stories of oral tradition in early christian movements, obviously. How the hell does anybody fall for this tricks which clueless apologists utter out of their ass? Damn😂
