Living room paint ideas, loft conversion types & how to clean a microwave: Real Homes Show S5 Ep.2

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Watch our TV show for living room paint ideas, loft conversion types, how to clean a microwave and a BBQ giveaway – that's your weekend sorted!

We've decided there are two outcomes of lockdown for homeowners: 1) you love your house more than ever and are DIY-ing everything you can, or 2) you're fed up of having no space, hate your decor and want Rightmove to start working again. Whichever camp you fall into, we've got the inspiration you need to turn the house you have into a home you're love (wow, that was corny even for us). And it's all in the latest episode of the Real Homes Show, our online TV show.

We've got brilliant paint ideas for living rooms to help you decide which colours will work best for your room, based on the direction your windows face. Also in this episode, sponsored by Resi architects, we show you the easy way to clean a microwave in less than 10 minutes, and explain the four main types of loft conversion. Oh, and did we mention there's any amazing BBQ competition? Here's what's in the episode:

Amazing paint ideas for living rooms
The four main types of loft conversion, explained
The easy way to clean a microwave

George Foreman, Art & Hue, La Redoute, Dunelm, The White Company