30 MORE Minecraft SECRETS to Enhance Your Gameplay

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Inside This Minecraft Video Are 30 MORE secrets and Minecraft Facts That Most People Dont Know. How Many Do You Think You Know?

In today's Minecraft Tutorial, with Avomance, I am sharing another 30 secrets in Minecraft that most people dont know after the previous 30 things video.
That previous video can be found here:

If you use these secrets, you will get better and faster at the great game of Minecraft, and become the Minecraft Pro you want to be!

These secrets work in Java Edition Minecraft Survival. I haven't tested them in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, but they all work in Minecraft Java. Let me know in the comments how many work in Bedrock and which ones don't?
I hate the Bedrock mechanics are so different!


I have numbered these 30 minecraft facts for you so you know exactly how many you have seen, how many are left and which one you are on!

Give yourself a score out of 30 (plus the bonus Fact) and comment below!


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Some great Tutorials right here:


For the Youtube Algorythm, here are some words that related to Minecraft Mob Farm and Minecraft XP Farm Tutorial videos... you can just ignore them!

Mob spawner farm, mob spawner minecraft, mob spawner, minecraft mob spawner farm, minecraft spawner farm, Mob farm, Minecraft farm, mob farm minecraft, minecraft, mob spawner, how to make mob farm, xp farm, mob xp farm, mob farm bedrock, mob spawner farm minecraft, minecraft mob spawner, minecraft spawner farm, minecart spawner, xp farm minecraft, minecraft xp farm, mob xp farm, mob xp farm minecraft, bedrock mob farm, mob farm minecraft bedrock, creeper farm minecraft, minecraft creeper farm, spider farm, spider spawner farm spider farm minecraft, spider minecraft, cave spider farm - its not one of these!!


For searchability - a strange paragraph for you!

Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. Not a Minecraft Hardcore Flat World - although that would be a viral tiktok. This is not a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin and its not me and my good friends playing the NEW FUNNIEST MINECRAFT MOD EVER!!! POG CHAMP!!!
NOT With Hermitcraft and also Hermit Craft, or EmpiresSMP that MrBeast does not play on!


(C) Avomance 2024 Minecraft Facts
Рекомендации по теме

Two things. First, I like to use buckets of lava with my furnace because why waste coal? Also, you can put a lava block over a drip stone over a cauldron (I recommend setting up like five) and you basically have all the lava you'll ever need.


Fish come to the surface when it rains because they think the water drops might be food. That's the real life reason fishing is better in rain.


Worried about PETA then sets a sheep on fire. LOL!


Killing animals with flame arrows also works to provide cooked meat.


Renaming an item costs 1_xp.
Renaming an entire stack of 64 items, so that all will have the same new name, costs...
...just 1_xp - nothing more!
It's a tremendous saving of both time & xp!
Remember this, the next time you need several stacks worth of filler-items for your item-sorting filters. Whatever you don't use now, you can store for later use.
I use this trick to store STACKS of (re-named) rotten_flesh from my mob-farms, so I'm always ready to add more items to my sorting/storage system.
I've not tested it yet, but I'm pretty sure that rotten_flesh can still be fed to dogs/wolves, no matter what it's been re-named.


Here is why carrots of better than potatoes since this guy seems to hate them. Using carrots is better than any other food source when making an automatic villager breeder. Villagers need food to breed and they have 8 inventory slots. You use carrots to prevent inventory clogging since if a villager's inventory clogs, you would need to replace the villager. Potatoes can drop poisonous potatoes which will eventually clog a villager's inventory and almost every other food source drops seeds, which will clog up their inventory faster


Knew all of these. For Fact 8 I do believe you do NOT get more beetroot, only additional beetroot seeds with Fortune 3 and the same for wheat. For Fact 11 this also works with trap doors.


Fact 6: Spiders (both kinds) and the Warden are exempt from this.
Fact 8: Fortune 3 on _any_ tool works the same on crops. Tools also *don't* take durability damage from being used for harvesting crops.


I knew them all. The benefits of reading the Minecraft wiki.

Some info on things you listed:
The boat damage will be coded out in one of the upcoming releases. It's in one of the recent snapshots.
You only get more of what you plant with the fortune tool. Beetroot only gives you more seeds not more of the beetroot.
The breeding sheep of different colors doesn't always work. Sometimes you'll get a parent color.
Fishing in the rain in real life gets you more fish or at least more fish activity. They just coded Minecraft to reflect that.

Extra Secrets:
Don't use glass for windows until you have silk touch. Use fences. They block the space like glass, you can see out and they're not destroyed when you use an axe without silk touch to remove them. very useful early game. Trapdoors can be used but always place them on the bottom of the surface so that baby zombies can't jump on the block when the trapdoor is open.
If you don't have water breathing or respiration, just bring a bunch of doors to use archaeology underwater. just like the door in a shipwreck. Use Lanterns or Jack'o'Lanterns for light underwater.
Unlike other partial blocks, sugar cane and bamboo can be planted on mud allowing you to collect the drops without needing minecarts just need hoppers. Much quieter.


When making a vertical stack of double chests, many players will make them face-on, then feed them using a stack of hoppers behind. My complaint is 2-fold:
---each stack is 2 blocks wide.
---you have to open every chest to search, because even after emptying the bottom chest, you've no idea how full the chests above might be, unless you take the time to open each one.
1__Turn your stack 90°, with the hopper behind, & a dirt-block behind that (as "filler"), to make a 1*4-line. Put an upside-down stair over the near end of the chest, so it'll look like a solid block, but the chest can still open. Add a stack of solid blocks above the stair, as high as you want the storage stack to be.
2__Above the side of the chest next to the hopper, put a single chest.
3__Above the hopper, complete the double chest, & put a hopper on the opposite side, feeding into the double-chest.
4__Repeat (2_&_3) until you reach your preferred height. The first time, you'll just be "stairstepped" back by 1 block, but after that, the design zigzags back-&-forth, inside a 1*4 column of area that includes a purely cosmetic solid block, a hopper, & a double chest - but not always in that sequence.
5__To label the stack's contents, either use a sign/item frame on the stair, or replace a solid block from above the stair with a sample block from the stack's contents.
6__This 1-block-wide design tiles infinitely.
7__Use whatever sorting/filter design you want, & run it across the top of the stacks.
---That filler-block in Step(1) removes an empty space, that might've otherwise allowed a baby_zombie to spawn.
---Whatever you feed into each stack will "zigzag" it's way down to the bottom chest, which is the only visible chest.
---Nothing will ever be stuck in the upper parts, & whatever you take from the bottom will be auto-filled from above.


Hmm... I scored 30. Not a lot of new knowledge. :) But for the new players I'm sure it's helpful. And it's always fun to listen to you! :)


I'm pretty sure since 1.21 that bad omen effect doesn't happen when you kill a pillager captain. They drop ominous potions instead.


Raining increases rates of hooking a fish because just like real life, fish think there are bugs landing on the water so it confuses them into thinking it’s a good time to eat.


Fact 3: The boat fall damage was fixed.
Fact 28: To add to your bucket of milk fact, similarly Honey bottles remove poison when drunk. (Great when dealing with a Witch!)


fishing while it rains doesn't increase because they can't see you as well. irl fishing is better in the rain because the fish are constantly excited and nipping at the surface do to the belief of insects landing on the surface. the same behavior was carried over to the game


Fact 21 could also include the woodland mansions. I found a woodland mansion with 2 big libraries. I left with STACKS of books.


You won't get more Beetroots from a Fortune 3 tool, only more seeds. Just like for Wheat.

One could argue Golden Carrots aren't the best food in the game, only the best food THAT STACKS.
A Suspicious Stew made with either a Dandelion or an Azure Bleuet will completely fill up both the food bar and saturation if you have at least 3 and a half morsels left.
It lets you fill up something like 7 or 8 hearts from natural regeneration.

Alternatively, if your goal is to regenerate health faster, a Suspicious Stew made with an Oxeye Daisy will give you a few seconds of regeneration. You will get something like 3 hearts from natural regeneration, AND 3 hearts from the few seconds of regen effect. Not as much health as the other Stew, but you got it back way faster.

Fact 23, Ctrl + Pick Block, I don't think you mentioned it clearly, but this only works in Creative.

BTW this time, I knew all of those.


Best way to collect XP is to use a fully enchanted hoe and mine all the skulk in an Ancient City or deep dark biome! Do it!!! Thank me later!


I am shocked that anyone might not know about the dogs, maybe I use them more than other people. Everything you mentioned also applies to cats, additionally, if you breed together two dogs with dyed collars, the offspring will be born with the collar dyed as well (it's hard to see until they grow up) this is useful as when there are multiple people on a server, you can allocate a colour to each person, and know which pets belong to everyone. Also, did you know that with patience you can breed every colour of rabbit from any two rabbits? Baby rabbits have a random chance to come out any colour.


Fisherman here, the real world reason why fishing is better when it’s raining is that at least freshwater fish are feeding. The rain causes any bugs and bacteria that fish would feed on to jump around and become agitated. It’s like a feeding frenzy
