Do You Feel Like You Can't Trust Anything Anymore?

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I am 25, started working 2 years ago as a Researcher in Chemistry and was painfully ignorant about personal finance. The last two years have completely transformed me from an optimistic liberal leaning person to someone who is completely apathetic towards any government statement or action. I feel hopeless. I feel like nobody cares about individuals anymore, everything is heavily politicized and funded by lobbyist who only have 1 thing in mind, Profit.


My rule of thumb is this: whenever a unified message come out of the talking heads, I initially believe the exact opposite. It’s been working out pretty well for the past 10-15 years and especially so since 2020


As an older person I can tell you that those that make these decisions make them for their own reasons and "we the people " do not cone into account. We don't matter to them except for a source of income. Our entire system was developed and is controlled by these very few people and is working as designed for the most part. Keeping us in scarcity and competition against each other so we can't see the forest for the trees. We must face this before we can overcome it.


I’ve completely given up keeping track of anything. It’s not only that I don’t trust anyone anymore, it’s that I’m not sure they could ever have it again. I’m just trying to enjoy life now. Before whatever comes, comes.


You call them side effects. I call them a planned demolition. Love your work man would love to have you as a guest on my show


Personally, I trust my own eyes, experiences and gut instincts more than I do anything the government or person of power tells me. I feel like we are on the edge of collapse, financially and politically. All the while, everyone is painting a picture through rose colored glasses. Anyone in a position of power is trying to soften the blow, to not create panic, and to make themselves look better. To save their own skin. But I truly believe the next year is going to be very painful, for a lot of people. This holiday season is going to make or break many companies. And when we do recover, whether in 2024 or later, I think the traditional institutions we used to put our faith in, will have changed drastically.


Unfortunately it feels like a catch-22 - you either trust nobody and do all the research yourself, taking away time from other passions you could be pursuing (if finance is not one of them) or hope they are honest, good people and spend time doing what you love - I wish we were able to trust certain organizations so that people had more time to dedicate themselves to other endeavors, but especially nowadays it’s really hard to place trust in anyone but oneself.


Man I don’t even trust my friends or immediate family. Everyone is a detached opportunist that never keeps their word and flakes out on a moment’s notice from the slightest inconvenience. I’ve concluded a life with as few people as possible is better for me.


You really can't trust anything anymore. I've been trying so hard not to go into conspiracy theorist territory, but it's getting harder and harder to believe this is just a series of bad circumstances. Especially when I can accurately guess what's coming next more often than not. I may be a natural pessimist, but you don't roll a dice and get 1 a hundred times in a row, you know? And people always use the whole "the government is incompetent" argument. Sweetheart, get your head out of fairyland. These people have advisors, economists, the best information money can buy. How arrogant do you have to be to believe you can see how bad the government's decisions have been but they can't? Or do you see it and it's too big and scary for you to admit? Or would you rather watch the world crumble around you than speak up and admit something is horribly wrong here because oh my god, you might get called a mean name or two


Honestly, I feel like the only people I can still trust is the ones that are independent, don't have any obvious biases and honestly also share something about their personality that make me relate to them. Even then it is hard, because at this level, you will obviously find conflicting information out there.


To answer your question: yes. As I am a bit older than you and saw this transformation happening ~20 years ago, I made the moves I could to get our family in a position where we could develop a community of (local) trust out in a rural area and build institutions of integrity ourselves. Trust is too easily taken for granted and quite difficult to regain once lost. We live in a society that is deftly manipulated by propaganda and / or psychological operations (which have increased in both quality and reach over the last century for many reasons) and, partly as a result, we have cast off what moorings held us from (the best of) the inheritance of 'the West', failing to preserve understandings and ways of living that turned out to be precious or essential.


This is a very interesting question and one I’ve considered for some time. My most suspicious/paranoid self says that huge corporations/financial institutions/governments have been playing us for a very very long time. But this time we have an unstoppable pool of free information that almost anyone can access and share there thought and ideas, which may spark a flip in the power structure over the next decade or two


It has been a rough last few years for me. I’ve always been awake to the BS in the world but now with everything ramping up the last few years, I feel hopeless. And worst of all, I can’t even talk to my parents about any of it because they’re still plugged in and think I’m crazy and simply dismiss me.


Al I can say as an older-ish person is, thank you for pivoting as you saw the dangers grow and grow. I’m glad I hung on watching your videos because they are different, and I’m sure you are getting a lot of heat for that. So, thank you for honestly pointing out what you are seeing despite the dangers of not “towing the line.”


Manners, consideration, humanitarianism and integrity have been on a slippery slide over the past three decades. There seemed to be a promotion of the adage “ everyone for themselves”, leaving humanity in a downward spiral to a level well below standards of the past. For me, trust has become an issue, I find it hard to take anyone on face value, often just waiting for the other shoe to drop, and sadly too often it does. I ask often “ where the hell are we headed as a people” but sadly the answer is always further along the downward slippery slide. No one knows how to halt this degradation of our humanity. It makes you feel helpless, out of sync with the rest of the world.


Talk about having that "one moment" to change your life. Your last video has been POPPING OFF! This video is no less a treat and a good topic of discussion for humanity to work through! Well done as always :)


Not only can we not trust any news source, but also we should be fighting for a plethora of businesses to own news sources so that they are diverse and more accountable.


A wise man once said “If you can't see the angles no more, you're in trouble.”


I feel bad for the kiddos because they must be scared... but for those of us who are older... we have been through it a zillion times. I am convinced that these "downturns" are only done so the rich can buy things cheap. So of course, they will put things into place soon so that things will go up (expected around the 2024 election). When I was just starting out I had to endure an abusive boss and low pay. But then, my parents passed and left me *some* money and I have used that enough to get a foothold. You will too. You were lied to, as was I, you won't get a good job at 25 (more like 35) and you won't be able to save based on your salary alone. But you won't be starving. Thing will get better for you -- just a lot later than you wished.


You hit the nail on the head for me. During the pandemic i was betrayed by literally all my remaining friends every single one. Thank the gods for my family. And when it comes to those supposedly “in charge” also known as the wealthy, they have never been trustworthy in my 36 years of life. Everyone knew inflation was unavoidable. The fact that someone can allegedly doubt it with a straight face is baffling.
