Memory Strategies: 7 Shockingly EASY Ways to Remember More

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What are memory strategies and how do they work? Can they help you achieve your memory goals? Find out answers to these questions in today's videos and more.

Because for many people, this topic in the use of memory techniques is a HUGE issue!


Many memory strategies fail to help people because they do not use memory techniques.

Whether it's for improving study skills, learning a language or getting a better job, most people stop at "chunking."

And that's not really a memory strategy at all. It's more of an organizational tool that helps you get to the application of mnemonics.

If you want to know how to remember more...

If your top priority is learning how to succeed in life with the ability to memorize on demand, you need these 11 memory strategies.

Buckle up because we're covering chunking... but also going WAY beyond!

--- Further Resources ---

Anthony Metivier TEDx Talk

The Art of Memory Playlist

How to INSTANTLY Boost Your Memory Palace Training with a Vision Statement

How to Memorize a Textbook: A 10 Step Memory Palace Tutorial

Mental Strength Strategies

Memory Strategies: 12 Shockingly Easy Ways to Remember More [Blog post]

FREE Memory Improvement Kit

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Thanks for the Memento Mori tip! I think about The Myth Of Sisyphus when I start forgetting about my short period in here :)


I’ve have a “countdown” style calendar on my wall for years as a Momento Morí. It’s always stimulating to see how much time I would have left… god willin’ and the crick’ don’ rise!
So much joy resting in this existence, a few breaths and then gone. 💙


I LOVE leaving Taekwondo class and having one of your videos waiting for me to watch! 😁🤓


I love your method and I'll be in touch soon. You are a great memory builder Thank you, Anthony.


Sir please make a video on how to remember months of the specific years...
For example : March 1943, Feb 2019 etc


I like all the startegies 😃 perfect way to remember ^_^


I don't know if you know about american visionary artist Paul Laffoley, he got me interested in neoplatonism, Nicholas de Cusa, Giordano Bruno and so forth. I think he used something akin to a memory palace in his paintings to create a concrete representation of highly abstract subjects. Also I want to check out your memory palace videos. Just finished Bruno's On the Shadow of Ideas and I wish to practice!


How would you memorise using memory palaces whilst in class? Would you write down the images while the teacher is talking? What if you can't do that?


Tell me a Method To Remember Names in History... Please...🙏


Sir do u have any video on journey method??


thanks a lot for your videos I've literally just started yesterday and I already applied for the free course I watched the first vid for hijacking memory palaces and I am almost finished with the worksheets and I would like to know which of your playlists I should start on. I am really excited for this journey and this makes learning and studying so fun.


Hey Anthony. I'm currently soon starting a levels. I wanted to pick maths, physics and chemistry. I have chosen maths, physics and RS. I might change it. My question is, what is the difference between understanding and memorising? For physics and chemistry, it's less memorising and more understanding. I know that I sometimes learn through the memory Palace. I also feel like I might understand something in one lesson but forget it the next week... I do know that when I put it in a memory Palace and actively recall (maybe use the fey man's technique), its comforting to have that information there. I'm worried I won't be able to do it. But with a memory Palace, you can actually memorise concepts so I don't see how that won't apply to physics and chemistry? Was this the same for your PhD? Was it recalling facts or understanding concepts?
Oh, I also got your vivid visualisation videos (my sister bought it) so I'm hoping that can help boost my slped in building and recalling the memory palaces. When you asked for what kind of memory I would want, I visualised me being able to use a memory Palace whilst in class to recall facts and concepts. Is that too much or is it achievable? I don't want to give up before I've even tried.
Also thank you for the magnetic memory method. I don't think I would have gotten this far without it. Please reply soon.
