Open Source Software and Hardware: community, business models and licensing by Andrew Katz

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Open Source Software and Hardware: community, business models and licensing.

Open source software is everywhere, running everything from the top 1000 supercomputers to the tiniest embedded systems. Most new software currently being developed is open source. Open hardware has yet to become as prominent, but in the last few years open hardware has come to be treated seriously, with major financial investment in open hardware projects, the interest of governments, and its pivotal role in the response to COVID.

Andrew Katz is a lawyer practising in England who specialises in open technologies, has advised companies, research organisations and governments worldwide on open technologies, and is a co-drafter of the CERN open hardware licence. He will cover intellectual property rights (including patents) and licensing models in open source software and hardware, identifying and comparing key licences, the different types of open hardware under development in academia, commerce, government and research organisations, the role of community in open development models and challenges in bringing open projects to maturity.
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