UPPERROOM Wednesday Set

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Live Stream Schedule 2024
Monday -- 10am - 2pm
Tuesday -- 10am - 2pm
Wednesday -- 10am - 2pm
Thursday -- 10am - 2pm
Sunday -— 10am + 5pm

--- OUR PRIMARY ACTIVITY is to minister to the heart of the Lord. Prayer Room | House of Prayer

Music Bed Sync ID - MB018OK5LPMA7CZ "Retrospect" by ILIVEHERE. (3:16)
Рекомендации по теме

I’m just curious here, why do some Christians still believe that jews are still God’s chosen people? I mean when Jesus came to earth, most of those jews rejected Jesus, and those who accepted Jesus and accepted him as their saviour has become God’s chosen people (Jew or not).. So now, Christians are God’s chosen people, and the bible clearly says so…
I’m not saying that you need to stop praying for the hostages, clearly we should be praying for all whom are suffering. But we really need to stop saying that Israel is God’s nation and that jews are God’s chosen people.
