Angular # 3 Angular 11 features | TypeScript | JavaScript web development using Angular
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What's new in Angular 11 | Angular 11 features | TypeScript | JavaScript web development using Angular
other new features are
Hot Module Replacement (HMR) Support
ng serve --hmr
Faster Builds upto 2–4x faster.
Faster compilation
Experimental webpack 5 Support
Automatic Inlining of Fonts
Updated Language Service Preview
Better Reporting and Logging
What's new in Angular 11 | Angular 11 features | TypeScript | JavaScript web development using Angular
other new features are
Hot Module Replacement (HMR) Support
ng serve --hmr
Faster Builds upto 2–4x faster.
Faster compilation
Experimental webpack 5 Support
Automatic Inlining of Fonts
Updated Language Service Preview
Better Reporting and Logging