Character Creation: A Step by Step Tutorial | Star Wars RPG

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This 3-part mini-series is designed to give a complete and comprehensive STEP BY STEP GUIDE for creating a character in FFG Star Wars RPG. This video covers Backgrounds, Obligation / Duty / Morality, and Motivations. Next we will cover Species, Career, Specializations, and Spending XP, and then finish with everything else.

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Time Stamps: ----------------------------------------------
00:00 - Hello There
01:23 - Step 1: Determine Background
03:26 - Step 2
03:46 - Obligation & Duty
08:29 - Morality
09:32 - Conflict
10:18 - Dark Side Threshold
11:23 - Light Side Threshold
11:50 - Morality Bonuses
12:39 - Step 3: Motivations
13:49 - What's Next?

Keywords: How to, Star Wars, Roleplaying Game, RPG, Fantasy Flight Games, Edge of the Empire, Force and Destiny, Age of Rebellion, THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO STAR WARS RPG

#charactercreation #walkthrough #guide
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What kind of character do you want to play?


I played an exiled political character who had no fighting ability but a silver tongue

My brother played my battle droid bodyguard who had no ability to talk but max fighting ability. Tons of fun


I'm having a session zero this Sunday so I'm sending this to my players. Thanks my dude!


This was a nice little recap, even though it’s all stuff I know already, it’s good to hear succinct summaries.

Something I would be pretty keen to see in an upcoming video though, I’d love to see you explaining increasing or lowering obligation after each session, they only really handwave it in the EOTE core book, it’s not the greatest examples you’ll ever see.


Awesome explanation on clarified alot for me!


I’m trying to make a sith and a jedi and with the Jedi it would have clothes like windu obi wan and anakin with bright red hair and the sith would have black clothing with a black cape have a red and green saber


I build my characters a bit backwards.

I start with Career and Specialization and focus on what Career Skills I'll inherit and decide what Characteristics I'll need. At that point, what Race that gives me the most optimal build (I love using Devaronians for Seekers because Seekers never need Presence).

At that point I jot down all mechanical crunch from Race and Career/Spec.

I'll then plot out where I'll likely put Dedication when I get to each, often planning 4 or 5 different Specs well in advance which tells me if I'm spending exp on Characteristics.

Once that's done, I'll spend a little exp on skills and Specs, rarely Talents since with my CharGen stats even succeeding on checks harder than average is questionable.

From there, it's Force Powers, if any apply, until the last of my exp is used up.

Now I spend credits on gear, Armour and weapons.

And finally I do the narrative fluff at the end. I like systems where the physical stats and gear on my character have to come from somewhere, but where? Do I have alot of grenades and pistols? Maybe I'm an outer rim Bounty hunter or republic soldier? Did I take jedi robes? Am I saving those precious 500cr to spend on repairing hull trauma, that will inevitably happen to my ship?

Motivation, Morality, Background stuff all covered, and that's my char-gen.


So, since no tutorial ever mentioned the insanely obvious thing: at the beginning of the session, when the players roll the Force die to determine the starting destiny it 1 point per player or the amount they roll? Casue the Force die has 1 or 2 pips on it. Do players roll for light-dark only or the amount as well? Will DM+3 player party have 3 Destiny points or the amount they roll?


Is there a way, I can play as Dark side user and it give "benefits" to me and access to "Dark Side" Specialty and Talents? 😆😆😆😆


What or who is the character in the thumbnail?


I want to know when ur dm says to all ur stats starts with a d4 wat the fuck does that mean does that mean u role a d4 die and between 1 thu 4 that's ur starting stat or Is 4 ur starting stat on all stats


For a fantastic character generator search: OGG DUDE


Notes on character creation: It can be 15 words which express a look, a job, and a motive. A Corellian wrench who’s looking to fix swoops, fix races, and fixates on spice. Boom, build it. A heavily scarred Duro’s Marshall who’s hurting down the imperial remnant. Boom, build it. A Zabrak tough that spies on everyone trying to get off world.


The character I am trying to make is an experimental battle droid made just before the deactivation command was given for the battle droids of the Clone Wars. After being dug out of the abandoned Techno Union facility, he's spent the past few years bouncing from owner to owner, stuck with a restraining bolt lodged onto him, until, eventually, he met an owner who turned out to be a kind Rebel. The minor cell he was apart of, a six man team in total, removed his bolt and kind of treated him like Chopper is treated by the team in rebels. (I'm using Echo's droid disguise from the Bad Batch as inspiration, as well as the fanon B4). The rebel cell gets exterminated by imperials, and despite my murder-droid wanting to die with his latest owner, he is instead sent off with what was left of the cell's data to escape and deliver it to rebel high command with the final command,
"Never stop fighting."


Wait, the Morality Bonuses are free? I know in EotE you can choose to get additional starting credits for a higher Obligation value, but in FaD you can just get those credits or free?


I don't think I understand why Obligation and Duty effect the player's strain/wound threshold at the beginning of sessions?


I did something like this before, I was a soldier sensitive to the force. Strong but not trained.


This is an excellent guide ty for this. I've been playing RPGs years and I still struggle figuring out Character Creation!


How do you recommend mixing EoE characters and AoR characters in terms of duty and obligation? Do you stick to one system? Have respective characters have their appropriate system? Have characters have both? I am curious in general, but also for my game I am looking at a Rebellion focused game but allowing characters from either EoE or AoR to form a special squad to do the jobs the Rebels can't or won't easily; think Bad Batch, the Expendables, the Dirty Dozen, the A-Team, etc. They are working with the Rebels, but they might have their own private things going on as well.


Could you have duty and obligation ? Could you take background or obligation of one book with another book. Or do I had to choose all in the same book ? I buy both kit for edge of empire and force and destiny, with two core edge of empire and age of rebellion. Thanks
