Quad tail sitter first test flight

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This is the first test flight of my quad tail sitter VTOL plane.

The wind was quite strong, otherwise conditions were favourable.

I had used a battery hovering prior to this flight and was very happy with the stability and responsiveness in hover mode.

The first attempt to transition to level flight is at 0:50. The plane went vertical and didn't seem to want to bring the nose down. My first reaction was to increase throttle in order to increase control but it was heading for the clouds. When I brought the throttle down, it stalled and started tumbling down. I switched back to hover mode and luckily regained control but I lost orientation ending up with the nose pointing down wind. After reorienting, I ended up quite far down range and due to the angle limit of 60 degrees, I was unable to make any headway into the wind.

At that point, I decided to make one last transition attempt which occurs at 1:40 this time with the throttle low initially. Again luck was on my side and it just about managed to pull out of the resulting dive as I fed in the throttle.

It flew quite nicely and although the roll response was great, pitch authority was limited. This is probably due to the overall design and I will attempt to address that before the next test.

The transition back to hover occurs at 2:33 and although it looks good, it seemed delayed and required me to increase throttle and pull back on the elevator in order to complete it. There's a slight pitch twitch on the video at the moment I flicked the switch and a second or two of continued level flight before my stick input lifted the nose and the craft returned to hover.

Overall, I'm happy with the results and if I can fix the transition / pitch issues I think it will be a great flyer.
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I am developing a similar flying apparatus, although it will be a bit smaller. I encountered a problem with the transition from quadcopter mode to airplane mode. Is it possible to get the params?
