87 Trades 77 Wins 1% a Day! LIVE WEBINAR

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Webiner discussing 0dte trades and futures option selling user far OTM puts on /mes

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In this video, I will teach you the complete 12 topics:
1. How to Use the Wheel Strategy in 2021
2. How to Use the Wheel Strategy
3. The Wheel Strategy Explained
4. Wheel Strategy Options Explained
5. How to Trade the Wheel Strategy
6. Options Wheel Strategy
7. The Wheel Options Strategy
8. Wheel Options Strategy
9. The Wheel Trading Strategy
10. The Wheel Stock Options Strategy
11. Options the Wheel Strategy
12. Wheel of Fortune Options Strategy

So watch the complete video and Like, Share, or Subscribe to the Channel.

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How to teach your child saving, spending, and investing

Hash Tags:
#WheelStrategyin2021 #WheelStrategy #InvestingTeacher

This page is for like minded individuals who want to grow their investments, for teachers to see a simple and proven way to supplement their retirement income and pensions, and for parents who want to teach their children investing, saving and spending.

If you have any money questions comment on any video and I will respond within 24 hours and might be featured on a future video.

Option Wheel Strategy Facebook group (Im a moderator and frequently post here)

M1 referral link (earn a free $10 to start)

How to teach investing, saving, and spending to children FREE Ebook

Twitter link @investingteach

Definitive Teacher Retirement Worksheet. Enter info and see your retirement numbers!

Books I recommend
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I think it's fantastic that you're teaching this to high school students. The advantages that technology has provided since the advent of computers is amazing to this old guy. Everyone should learn the ways to financial freedom while building a nest egg for retirement. I attended high school back in the early 70's, my kids had the experience in the latter 90's neither of which offered any type of financial literacy training. My grandson just finished a trading course in his senior year and I've been encouraging him to pursue it further with the help of youtube channels like yours. Thanks!


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Is there an advantage using a 0DTE 10 point spread rather than a wider spread like 25 other than less buying power needed?
