Laravel Routing | Laravel 8 | Laravel tutorial | Learning Points

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Laravel Routing | Laravel 8 | Laravel tutorial | Learning Points

All Laravel routes are defined in your route files, which are located in the routes directory. These files are automatically loaded by the framework.
This tutorial discussed on :
How to create route?
How to send extra parameter through route?
How to send optional parameter through route?
How web route creates?
How to access api route through postman?
How to add regular expression constraints in route?
How to set global constraints?
How to validate route with our condition?
How to create route group?
How to make a url such that which accept any kind of request?

Laravel, Laravel 8, Laravel Tutorial,
This is the 3rd tutorial of laravel 8. In previous video you will get -

Laravel Installation, laravel Files and folder structure.

In our upcoming video I will cover about Laravel controller, Laravel Views, Laravel component, Laravel blade features, Laravel Database connection, Laravel model, Laravel Migration, Laravel Joining clause, Left join, right join, inner join, cross join, advance join, subquery join, Conditional Clause, Laravel seeding, Laravel Faker, Laravel Pagination, Laravel eloquent relation, Laravel one to one relation, laravel one to many relation, laravel many to many relation, laravel crud application, laravel form validation and more topic on laravel 8.

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Beautifully explained, I'm a beginner but I can get everything from this video.. thank you brother!


clear and informative.
The most important thing is I can 100% follow this video to get the same result.


I have been coding for many years and often when i forget some patterns I watch yt for related
I have seen so many laravel tutorials which have 55-66-80 episodes never saw someone completely explaining whole stuff like you dude .
Wonder why there is only 6.61k subs :0
I see many kids in office who don't even know Rout::match :v You even taught Rout with where( ) regex ....
So underrated channel, holy jesus.

So far your video was fully detailed.


Plz make video atleast 40 min or more and routing advanced tutorials


Thank you very much,

I get this error
syntax error, unexpected '$name' (T_VARIABLE), expecting ';'

My Laravel version is 8.72.0
