Dont Try to Make Money off Music

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There is a very clear trend not just in music but in all human pursuits that one must justify their activities based on how much money that activity generates. This hits really weird in the arts. There is pressure all around us as musicians to "rise to the top" or out compete other musicians. It's an extremely odd idea to make self expression competitive and its my belief that a mind that is captured by this messaging is going to be incentivized to make bad compromises to their music in order to gain advantages. These compromises could come in the form of dulling down creative decisions to make the music more homogenous and easy to digest, removing any semblance of originality and thus potentially removing the joy of creation in the first place. You are enough and your art is enough no matter how weird it is.
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Im 33. I work 3 nights a week as a bartender and am lucky enough to have a fairly cheap rental apartment. I don't have much savings but a little bit in case something happens. I live a very small, solo life which focuses my time on the creation of visual art and music. I know that I will probably never be able to support myself with either of these things yet I still try to dedicate most of time to them. I feel like the people around me think im an underachiever yet I couldn't be happier or more fulfilled with this lifestyle. As long as I have a room in which I can close the door and create, my spirit grows and I am happy. I've always liked you and this channel but this is some of the best music advice i've seen on youtube. You rule.


I consider myself lucky to work a job where I don't go home every day drained of my creativity. I have been making music for several years now and I am glad I got into it for the right reasons. I am happy to simply make music for myself, share it with my family and friends, and post it online for anyone who happens upon it. I found your video to be a pleasant reminder of what matters and why creativity matters.


I've def spent alot of money over the years and no financial gain to speak of. Thanks for this video. Reminded me to just relax and stop expecting too much of myself


So on point Anthony. So many people try to emulate others in pursuit of making money, without realising the people they emulate are doing what the do because they love it.

Today kids want to be streamers to be rich and famous. But the people who are huge now we're into streaming early. When nobody cared about it. And they grinded and slowly built an audience because they love to entertain and be amusing to people.

Everyone followed the crypto bandwagon without realising that they very early crypto investors bought and held because they were passionate about digital currency and believed in the fundamentals of crypto.

And now we see it with music creation, but people are creating music with the goal of making money. That's so insane and you can in an instant tell music that has been created by a passionate, bleeding heart artist vs. music made by a corporate production team and record label with the sole purpose of cashing in.

I make music myself purely for the creative release and the learning experience. I have never played and will never play anything I've created for anyone but myself and I love that. It's for me.

Anthony I love all your content. I love the technical tutorials and I love the philosophical stuff. Keep up the great work! You are the epitome of someone who made it because you do it out of love and passion.

Peace! ✌️


As someone who has spent most of my life focused on music and despite hard work never made a living off of it I will never stop and the level of human connection and self expression it has allowed me is priceless. Thank you for sharing this message


I ran marketing at a tech start-up for the past 4 years. When people asked me if I've made any new music, I told them I no because I felt too drained and unmotivated every night after work. I kind of used that as an excuse when in reality, I thought I was just being lazy. It's comforting to hear someone say that it can be a real issue. When the job is stressful to the point it makes you physically unwell and boots you into therapy twice, I probably shouldn't be as disappointed that I haven't really created anything outside of it. I got laid off now, the company tanked because they were too horny for growth. I'm hoping to land a new job that isn't as mentally taxing, and make some music again. Thanks man.


Wise words that need to be repeated often. It is so hard to block out the incessant noise of commercialization. I try to adhere to a simple lifestyle in all area of my life, but still find myself looking at gear I don’t need and stuff that will just end up taking up space. Thank your for reminding me what is important about music, THE MUISIC. Gotta go work on my latest piece.


Man thank you for saying this. Hugely inspirational and motivational especially as I'm surrounded by people who don't entirely understand self expression. To be honest this persona has been emitted by you for years on this channel and was largely crucial in getting my own boat in the water. 3 years later and I'm still Blundering on


I've been playing since I was 7. First I got crushed by the conservatory (I play classical violin), then by the industry. Never lost my drive, now I'm a manager in a bank about to leave my good pay corporate job for producing electronic music and couldn't be happier about it.
Good luck and courage for everyone out there making music and arts in general, you guys give life a soundtrack and make everything less gray ❤


Truth. I had "writer's block" for years and years. Once I decided to just make music and not worry about making money, I ended up with 6 albums, multiple radio appearances, and a TV appearance.


To all the artists doing it just for the "love of it", stay up!


Needed this, thanks Anthony. It’s been a joy being a fan and then a student (whilst still a fan) of you. Something like 12-13 years of inspiration. If promoters ever stop booking papadosio or something causes the band to riff, I’ll never stop listening to the music or being curious about what new music you’re making.


Probably the best music production related video on YT. As someone that works full time in the industry it is indeed difficult and I agree with every sentiment. I’m constantly considering working a normal job but I just cant pull myself away from it all at this point and honestly, I don’t really want to, music is who I am.


And that's the reason why I bought two courses from you. To me you are straight to the point. You're honest, you're technical, and when you have something so sell you explain the value of it. Just straight to the point. As a true hobbyist I'm just in love with the skills involved to do it all. But it's really like you stated music before all. My statement, in very old Dutch "voor land noch volk". My music " not for the land or people" :))


Marketing triggers exactly the psychological insecurities and the fear of ''unsuccessful'' life. Expression / Art is the result of the deepest need to communicate on a level that words are useless, trying to describe the indescribable, to make visible the invisible. This need of expression exists as the universe exist. It is not a creation of any culture or any economical system so it can not be supported by them.
So fame, money, whatever social status marketing serves us as ''essential'' have nothing to do with the arts.

Congrats on your videos! One of the very few quality channels.


I've lost touch with my communtiy. Not just with those I held dearest but from those I wanted to learn from or could have learned from and in turn, to share what I've learned. Onwards to a better future. Thank you, Anthony, for this video rant!


Hey, you just made me cry. Hearing this message and seeing how it resonates with people when i live it out, seeing that more and more people act and feel this way i can really not imagine how the world could go to shit. This mindset brought me to heaven, this can not be taken from me anymore. Thank you so much for your stringent video, which concludes almost everything important i learned in my 6 years making music. Much love from Aachen in Germany ❤


I didn’t think I could love you more, Anthony. Thanks for the great reminder.


I just saw you perform with Papadosio at the Vogue in Indianapolis on March 7th.
Your performance was incredible, as is your channel here with seedtostage.

Just wanted to say that you are a huge inspiration for me when music was becoming a point of pain.
You've given me a fresh perspective on art and life.

Thank you🙏🏼


That was beautiful. I make music very part time as a hobby but am a total gear head. And because of that i always feel bad because i don’t monetize my music. Like every dollar i spend on a new pedal or whatever is wasted money. But messages like this give me peace in all my imposter syndrome and guilt for the mental energy and money i spend on obsessing over music even though it makes me happy.
