Hazelnuts. How to harvest before the critters do. Wild Edibles.

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Every year I watch the Hazelnuts waiting to harvest and every year something gets them before I do, this year I researched and took a preemptive approach and I finally got some.
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Every year the squirrels get the nuts- its like they read our minds and makes us nuts! Its been 7 years in a row. One day they are there and he next "all gone". Our kids were helping us stake them out this year. Despite our efforts, we only rescued about 7. Thanks for the drying advice- we will give it a shot!


Present 🙋👍Salem, Oregon reporting the hazelnuts are there tonight. Usually I'd gethem tomorrow but I made that mistake before. Tonight I'm loading up my motorized gas bicycle with a huge basket on the back, A crazy tall big mountain climbing back pack that I've only seen on tv and pockets full of bottled water.I ♥️Wild Hazelnuts!!! Free Range Food Rocks!


Very useful, thanks. Mine are bulking up nicely in late July so perhaps the time has come to pick 'em because I know that the squirrels just down the road have marked their calendar a day ahead of me otherwise :) Time to get nutting!


Just found hazelnuts growing in my local community park! 😀I've only recently been using our little park, since we adopted a dog, back in January.I've been having freshly foraged blackberries for breakfast, the last couple of weeks.I was thinking that perhaps hazelnuts need roasting, but glad I can just snack on them.Thanks for your video.
Paula, in Liverpool, UK.


Thanks for this. I have some bushes I planted about 5 years ago that are starting to produce. As soon as I saw a squirrel start to gather them, I went out and picked what was left - only a handful, but I'll get better next year. I always assumed they had to be brown before harvesting.


Great video! It was more informative than all the articles and videos I viewed that past few days. Big help.


Thanks to your video, we just picked a big bag of hazelnuts for the first time. Going to dry them in a box, on a south facing window. Been a good year in the UK, for blackberries and hazelnuts. Just picked a few kilos of blackberries for the freezer, Discovery apples from our tree and ripe elderberries for liqueur.
All the best to you both from UK.


Thanks for inspiration and the idea of putting a boxful into the car to ripen. Every year the grey squirrels gets our "Nottingham Cob" hazelnuts while still green. Robin Hood only had the red squirrel to contend with.


Thanks, up in the Highlands of Scotland we used to get loads and my family have been replanting our area of woodland with indigenous broadleaf trees and although we have some already, Hazel is one of the species we are planting. I just wanted to know the best way to get from the stage where you picked them and am glad to see it just needs a cardboard box and dry conditions. After that, I will find something elsewhere on YouTube as I use a lot of nuts since cutting out red meat. I particularly love ground hazelnuts on my breakfast cereal but object to buying them when we have wild ones!


we have had the same problem in Olympia, WA...grey squirrels and raccoons are the culprits. Our "bushes" are about 20 feet tall and resemble they ARE!! Thanks for the much needed information..this year we shall have hazelnuts!!


I always wait for the hazelnuts to brown, but it suddenly disappears, today I found out that the garderners are the ones who saw the branches down and throw them away. I asked if I were allowed to harvest them, and they agreed, so I´ve been out for 3 hours picking the nuts from the branches. Although some are brown, many of them are still green, so I will definitely make use of you advice, thanks! :D


Nice video Joe. I never thought to look for them here in Jersey but I will now. Thanks, I just love them. Jim


Thanks for the video. I had always picked them has kid in northern Maine, but I'm in New Hampshire now. However, my hazelnut bushes are loaded this year! I know I need to beat the squirrels to them some how.


Hey Joe, I just got lucky and discovered some wild hazelnuts today by a lake where I fished today for some rainbow trout. There was a tonne of them. I guess I will return to the lake at the start of August when they should be ready. God, I hope I get there before the squirrels do. Thanks again! Its great to find this video today to confirm my find. Thanks again man!


That is funny, i was just out this morning checking some trees in my woods... not ready yet, thanks for the great information, all the best from us in Oregon.


Thanks for the video Joe. I live in BC and my trees are loaded this year. In the last couple of years the grey squirrels have been getting all the nuts and leaving me without any. They don't even eat the whole nuts. They just burrow into the tops and eat a bit of the nut and waste most of it. This year I am doing what you have done and pick some early. All the best. Trevor


Mmm, my favorite. Nice quick and to the point vid Joe..


Fantastic, and tons of thanks for this tip & video!

I've missed them. Glad to see you got the YouTube issue resolved.


I've had the same problem. Great video.


I watched ur video 3 years ago. They molded. Bcni didn't put them in the correct spot. Trying again. WA state. Thank u !!
