Kettlebell Swing to Goblet Squat

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Summary: This explosive hybrid movement will get your heart rate up while strengthening multiple muscle groups and movement patterns. By combining these two you add a more ballistic element to the squat forcing you to stay tighter and more compact. The carryover is fantastic for athletes looking to build leg and posterior chain strength without needing extremely heavy loads

Step 1: Deadlift a kettlebell to the standing position

Step 2: Hinge quickly and pull the kettlebell back to build momentum

Step 3: As you snap forward, but before letting the weight travel out in front of you pull up and quickly switch your hand position to the horns of the kettlebell

Step 4: From this position smoothly perform a squat

Step 5: As you finish the top of the squat change your hand position again quickly to grab the bell with two hands by the handle and perform the bottom part of the swing.

Tips and Safety: Make sure you can perform a swing and squat properly before attempting this hybrid. The transitions are subtle, but crucial at performing this movement properly without dropping or putting too much wear on your elbows, wrists and shoulders. Time your breathing so that you are exhaling at the top of the swing/transition to squat and as you ascend from the bottom of the squat.
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