How I Managed to Switch My Major Without Impacting My Progress: Heavy Course Load and Summer Classes

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Switching majors can be scary, especially if you're unsure on how it might affect your progress. By taking a heavier course load as well as summer classes you might be able to finish your career in the same time and save some money in the process. Did you ever switch your major halfway through?
Kallie Moore attended Kansas City Kansas Community College (1 year) and Emporia State University (B.S.) where she majored in Earth Science and Minored in Paleontology. While in school, Kallie was involved in the Earth Science Club and did a summer internship and a senior thesis. Since 2008, Kallie has worked as the Collections Manager ("Fossil Librarian") of the University of Montana Paleontology Collection. During her time at the University of Montana she took various classes as a non-degree seeking grad student. And as of 2017, she has been a Science Communicator, hosting and content consulting for PBS Eons! Kallie also has a debut book which comes out this fall "Tales of the Prehistoric World". Kallie’s higher education path included going from high school to community college and then transferring to a 4-year institution.

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