What have we learned since Alan Turing? Uncle Bob

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In this video, Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) the author of the books Clean code and Clean Architecture speaks on whether there has been any true progress in software development since Alan Turing. Thoughts?
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Uncle Bob is my new freestyle dance teacher


One thing we've learned since Turing is that the halting problem is not absolute; There is practical value in automated checks, including type systems, compilation, unit tests, fuzzing, a multitude of security scans, syntax validation, style formatters, opinionated linters, and more... in spite of the apparently universal tyranny of the halting problem, in theory.

Coq and other automated proofing languages are testament to this. Turing lit a fire. We continue to carry this torch today.


Yeah, kind of fair I guess, but I do think deciding what not to do is important. If you can do anything, then you can end up with any result, including undesirable ones. If you constrain yourself in certain ways, then you can avoid certain undesirable results, and I think that can be helpful.


Next time a pretentious developer starts talking rubbish about languages, show them this video.


One value go in one expression containing one variable, one message cary n values in one object containing n expresion, stimul cary all values to all expresion to one neural network. All 3 type work on Turing machine with recursive stack that is better than simple stack. My noob opinion.
