Heredity and Evolution | CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 9 (Biology) | Toppr Study

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In today's video, Learn Heredity and Evolution from CBSE Class 10 Science chapter 9 (Biology). Let's watch this amazing topic for your effective Board Exam - Biology Preparation with proper explanation by your favorite teacher. In this session, you will find Tips, Tricks, and Strategies in detail to score full marks in class 10 biology - Heredity and Evolution. So, Don't Miss It!!

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The most obvious outcome of the reproductive process still remains the generation of individuals of similar design. The rules of heredity determine the process by which traits and characteristics are reliably inherited. Let us take a closer look at these rules.

Inherited Traits
What exactly do we mean by similarities and differences? We know that a child bears all the basic features of a human being. However, it does not look exactly like its parents, and human populations show a great deal of variation.

We have noted that there is an inbuilt tendency to variation during reproduction, both because of errors in DNA copying, and as a result of sexual reproduction. Let us now look at some consequences of this tendency.
Evolution is the sequence of gradual changes that take place in primitive organisms, over millions of years, in which new species are produced.

Gregor Mendel - The Father of Genetics
Acquiring characteristics or traits from one generation to the other is nothing but inheritance. Here, both parents contribute equally to the inheritance of traits.
It was Gregor Mendel, known as the Father of Genetics, who conducted immense research and studied this inheritance of traits.

Rules of Inheritance
Gregor Johann Mendel was a scientist who is recognized as the Father and Founder of genetics. Mendel conducted many experiments on the pea plant (Pisum sativum) between 1856 and 1863.
He studied the results of the experiments and deducted many observations. Thus, laws of inheritance or Mendel’s laws of inheritance came into existence.

All the above-mentioned topics are described in an interactive and efficient manner so that the students could easily understand them.

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Sometime i think this man is hidden scientist 👨‍🔬👨‍🔬


What a teaching word to explain salute ....


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I never feel tired after watching hours of videos of this teacher, one of the most active teacher on YouTube 😊😊😊😊


Nice teaching in all YOUTUBE really i can't believe. Thank u sir for helping us.


Sir Genotype kaise pata chalta h
Ki "HH" hoga ki "hh"
Sir plzz ans dijiyega


With this transparency some can count.. How much one would dominate the evolution but micro-organism is like doing justice in this theory. Just like our COURTS OF LAW perhaps.


Disclaimer: Ram Charan & Disha Patani were not hurt during this video 🤪😂🤣😆..


Sir You are Tony a stark of World of teaching Love ur teaching style 3000💙❤


Is no one going to talk about how he writes in the air??? I assumed editing was helping him but real-time writing of him makes me think that what kind of sorcery is this!!?1?!?🤯🤯


Topper Study Is A Very Good Medium Of Clearing Last Minute Doubts 😊❤


I have never seen a teacher like you . What a style to teach sir love u Dil jeet liya apne yaar 👌👍


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I watched your video on light for class 8, 2 years ago. That was my first time experience on YouTube learning. Now I've scored 91% in my pre boards from yt videos and hopefully will score good in semester 1 board exam


38:54 suppose RAMCHARAN Sir watching this video.. 😂😂


Best teacher on yt. He is always trying us to concentrate on topic. Watching 1 day before exam.


Your visual class🤓and teaching✍🏻 is nise, it entertains us and we get a lot of knowledge 🤞🏻. Thank you sir🤗🤗


Sir your teaching style is very beautiful and amazing sir we are Understand all concept which you teach on video sir you are best teacher ☝☝👌👌🤗🤗👍👍👍👍👍🌹🌹💝🤨


Sir me ek defaulter student me se ho but sir aap ne mhujhe esa bna diya log ab mere pass akr qustio krte hi sir topper को कोई bhi teacher pdhata hi unko smjh ata hi but sir aap ne defaulter student ko itna Accha kr dete hi


Taught so energetically ...
Loved the way
