I Spent 24 Hours Building the Best F2P Baizhi in Wuthering Waves

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I Spent 24 Hours Building the Best F2P Baizhi in Wuthering Waves
Also watch my other video on Wuthering Waves The Shorekeeper weapon is not worth Pulling, Wuthering Waves 1.3 Everything you Need to know in 4 minutes! Wuthering Waves 1.3 stream was today and I tried to condense everything as much as possible so that you get to know everything you need to know about wuthering waves 1.3 Wuthering Waves or Wuwa is a new game. The 1.3 dev notes wuthering waves news has been released. I didn't talk about wuthering waves 1.3 leaks. wuthering waves 1.3 livestream. I did talk about the wuthering waves 1.3 banner and wuthering waves 1.3 characters since they did release the wuthering waves 1.3 drip marketing. I tried to show and explain everything the fastest way and also talked about the events which will give you Astrite in Wuthering Waves 1.3 and made it as easy as possible to understand in #wutheringwaves . Should I make a video on camellya, Yinlin, Jiyan, Jinhsi and genshu lin? I tried to show and explain everything the fastest way and also talked about the easiest way to way to get these rewards as a f2p #wutheringwaves #wuwa #wutheringwavesguide

Wuthering Waves is a story-rich open-world action RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world. it has a Gacha Gamer System with the Best 5 Star Weapons and 5 star Characters.

Video inspired by MoonBursts - I Spent 1 Week Farming the BEST Changli Echoes | Wuthering Waves , Sme3ti - I SPENT A WEEK TO BUILD THE BEST F2P JINHSI IN WUTHERING WAVES , Kekvin - I SPENT 24 HOURS BUILDING JINSHI in Wuthering Waves I love his Genshin impact videos his guides are awesome! :D

Should I make a video on the new update version 1.4 Astrite Calculations so that we know how many Astrites we can get in wuthering waves 1.4

Mtashed Tectone Zy0x - AVOID THESE MISTAKES! Essential Tips to Know When Starting Your Wuthering Waves Playthrough and IWinToLose Gaming - Wuthering Waves Beginner's Guide - 15 Tips to Progress Smoothly! inspired me to start this Channel :)
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She is actually way better then I expected specially with the Shorekeepers weapon!!! Verina can't keep up with her anymore!
Thanks for watching! also please let me know if there is anything that I can improve with my channel or the video :D


7:31 Ah, yes, my favorite Jinhsi line. "Have annoyed Dane's, Spanish bus".


Baizhi is a pretty good support but she gets shadowed by Verina and shorekeeper but if u can build her well shes pretty good especially the immediate revival skill in her resonance chain. also can u pls make F2P Chixia i got her to R6 and she seems pretty fun to play


omg a good video and baizhi has more value than i thought i will eventually build her thank you


"I will build the Best F2P Baizhi" then
"and for the weapon I'm gonna gave her shorekeeper's signature weopon"
WTF man


Love ur videos brother, hope u get the popularity u deserve


My first love of the game I love you Baizhi🩵🩵🩵


I used Baizhi up until I pulled for Shorekeeper. I didn't get Verina until waaay later into the game. I think I was already UL 49 or 50 when I finally got Verina but my Baizhi was already built. I'm still trying to get Shorekeeper's weapon


She's a lot better than people give her credit for and another thing i think a lot of people sleep on is her echoes are some of the easiest in the game to make cuz she scales so well with HP


You should try beyblade build. Shorekeeper as main healer, Mortefi as sub dps and baizhi as main dps. Basically hold down heavy attack since Mortefi buffs it and it will proc his ult. Obviously this is a meme build as her standing in place can easily be punished but I wonder how much damage it can do.


Verina is better than Baizhi when it comes to team DPS increase but Baizhi>>>Vurina when it comes to design. She is easily the prettiest character in the game for me (only competing with Shorekeeper). I use mod to make her even thiccer and I end up using double healer team (with either Rover or Jinshi for dps) for my daily cuz I love both her and Shorekeeper and I want to see them always

My Baizhi is still lvl 80 and her talent isn't maxed but she is good enough especially since I have Shorekeeper SIG and echo which is perfect for her, ez burst every rotation with 300 ER lmao


I have her at s6 and she provides more buff than Verina for Glacio centric team.


its the fact I have to pick up the feather thing.


I just give SK everything from weapon to echo as they both scale the same for ToA.
Good F2P healer so you can use SK for the hardest floor.
Also when we finally get a limited ice dps (or you're one of 5 Lingyang's main out there), she would be their bis support as she can also increase glacio dmg.


After getting Shorekeepers weapon, I quickly realized how good Baizhi is, especially s6 compared to verina in terms of damage amplification. But in terms of healing and utility, Verina still is the best in the game.


Damn I might have to let her borrow shorekeepers weapon in the tower then.


I have S6 baizhi with R5 rectifier#25 and she's freaking insane support healer lol.

Edit:about shorekeeper sig i have 1 copy of it and decided to R1 Shorekeeper weapon instead giving it to baizhi she's already have 230% er sooo rectifier is already good for her


Not so much her concerto regeneration slow…i also got her with s6…plus her buff only get to the next resonator and not onto the main dps


How does baizhi nuke for 500k? Thats pretty good to dish out each rotation! Hello? My jinhsi barely does 300k


Great video i have baizhi built with shorekeeper signature, and she is so underrated many ppl dont value her cus shes a 4 star 😢, btw can you tell me how do you manage to farm all of the echo lvling up materials, because im f2p and i struggle to get them i literally only have 10 from purple rarity
