My 2 year old is babbling but not talking

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In this video, I talk about one of the most common parent concerns, “My 2 year old is babbling, but they’re not talking yet.” I begin by explaining that babbling is a stepping stone towards talking, so the fact that your child is babbling is exciting! But, we definitely want to support your child in learning to communicate their wants and needs more clearly, and I talk about why that’s the case. And while I know all of you are curious about your child specifically, unfortunately there’s no one answer fits all. That’s why I highlight the importance of talking to your pediatrician about a speech and language evaluation; so you can learn about why your child is having a harder time learning to talk and what you can do to help. And as always, if you looking for activities to start today, you can always sign up for my online program that teaches at home speech activities!



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My son is 20 months old and using very few words regularly like bye bye, yum yum, jay jay. He called our house help with her name but he dont say mama, Papa regularly and sometimes catched our words and repeat them. He understand everything even follows our instruction properly, he babbles and communicating with babbling. We are living in west Africa, where french is official language and we are Indians, so in hosue we are using our mother tongue and English but our staff communicate with him in french and local language.. He is very active and sharp minded child. whole day he is with me and we meet others only in weekends. I am worried about speech delay


My 2.5 year old uses jargon but also has 100 or more words he regularly uses and puts things together like my banana, I want milk, you scare me, where’s daddy, where’s daddy’s car. But I’d say half of what comes out of his mouth sounds like jargon. But it’s consistent sounds like he’s trying to say something real. He’s very smart understands everything. I’m worried he will need speech tho. His older brothers had speech and one is on the spectrum.


My daughter just turned 2 she says some words but not full sentences she understands everything


My son turned 20 months and he only talk sometimes like dada, daddy, Dede means milk, stop, no no. Should I be concerned about it. But he's bubbling as well


My sons two but screams and babbles and doesnt try to talk or put words together. He just get frustrated. Ever sense his sister passed away last year hes regressed alot and ots been extremely hard for me and my wife to get him to try to talk weee afraid hes autistic and wont ever talk. She was 3 and was talking before she could walk. So its extremely hard on us having one talk so mucj


hey so, my cousin just turned 2 years old and she hasn't spoken since. she doesn't make eye contact, she doesn't point at things, she doesn't understand whenever anyone says anything. even to her own name. i don't know if this is normal but my family has been starting to worry a lot. some say she might have autism.

some of the things she does are:

screams/laughs randomly

runs back and forth

and kinda babbles but not really.

since the parents are spanish, they want her to speak spanish first and then english. what i don't understand is that why won't she respond or listen for her name? she doesn't even know who i am.

my other cousin who is 2 years old, turning 3, talks. she talks to me normally. ever since like last year when she was 1. she even remembered my name.

is it the parenting or something? like what can i personally do to try to get her to start talking. what can i recommend them for help?


My 23 month old is saying some words but not consistently, he does say "food food, or more mink a.k.a milk though. I put him in early headstart in hopes of it helping him and also requested an evaluation for speech therapy. He just started to sing his ABC's and he even sang "go round and round" once. His teachers say he is really trying to talk to the other kids when they are at school so he's progressing. My family has a history of autism so I get really worried but I try not to be.


My son had his tongue cut when he was a baby, and now he’s 2.5years and he is blabbing...could the cut be the reason for his speech delay?

Автор son is 20 months old he keeps babbling but never speaks a word except mama...he repeats after me words like Dada Tata didi Nana shoes but never uses it...he responds to his name very well n points his bodyparts when I ask..he only understands my 1 command that is come here...what to do


My 2.5 year old says phrases and words she knows all of her number, letters,animals,objects and more, she knows all her fruits and etc she still babbled a little tho so should I be concerned


In my case my 29 month old babbles and can learn words but whenever we try to communicate with him he doesn’t understand anything and im really getting frustrated since everyone around me is telling me its not normal 😭 help please 🙏🏽 😢


Hey! My son is 27mos and he’s still not talking any exact words except Da-da and Im doing a phonics sounds on him everyday now he is starting to say more sounds like ta-ta, va-va, ha-ha more on babbling. Cant deny that sometimes it makes me feel so worried about him because he doesnt speak any clear words yet.
But he can understand, he will look into my eyes when im talking to him, he will look at me when i call his name, and some other things.

Just worry and thinking he might have an autism 😢


My son is 28 months and has yet to say one word. He babbles and yells all day, and has recently started making some letter sounds like “p” “t” “s” and “b”, but no words. Not even mama or dada. I’m so worried about him having autism. Hoping just a speech delay. He understands a lot of words however and can point out almost all his abc’s.


Hi mam
My daughter 29 months but not speak. Some time produce sounds but very little. Please guide me. But she understands everything
