why Big bird went to jail

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“big bird was his slime”
Bro was mine aswell before I turned 13 🥲


Part two big bird and Elmo get to cookie monsters crib and bust down the door but when they get there there are a bunch of cops waiting for them because as it turns out Cookie Monster took over control of the police department and hired them to kill Elmo and big bird. Luckily in what seemed to be the most spectacular gang war of all time, Elmo and BB (Big Bird) prevail and arise out of all the blood and smoke but it’s not over yet because they hear a slight ticking noise and realize Cookie M. has planted the place with C-4 and so they desperately try to escape but alas Elmo is impaled through the chest with a piece of debris and in his last dying breaths he tells BB that he is the new Blood King and that he knows the one other place where cookie can be at 123 Sesame Street in the deepest part of the hood that not even Jim Henson himself would go near, and so BB travels alone to 123 Sesame Street and goes upstairs of the only building left on the street and when he gets there he hears a loud crunch of Cookie Monster chowing down on some chips ahoy and BB slowly pulls out his suppressed Glock and sneaks up to cookie but right before he pulls the trigger he hears laughing from behind and realizes that Grover is behind him holding an mp5 at his back. Somehow Grover had survived BB’s attack all those years ago and wanted revenge. Cookie Crip slowly turned around in his chair and said “We new you would come here. I see our trap has killed your friend Elmo I didn’t think you would kill all my cops in there but lucky for me I always have a plan B and as for Elmo, he was a disgrace and the weakest muppet there ever was.” BB now filled with anger turned around and shot at Grover and shot him in the head but not before Grover shot him 10 times in the stomach and legs and left arm. Big Bird fell to the ground and Cookie Monster got out of his chair and pulled out a switch blade and stuck it in big birds chest and Big Bird whispered in Cookies ear with his last dying breath “I always have a plan B too.” And he revealed that he had a bomb strapped to his chest and he pressed the trigger and blew up the whole block including Cookie Monster and Big Bird remains to this day a blood legend.


Truly heartwarming. Brought back my respect for humanity and cured my qthsma


I had aheart attack when he bust through that door : edited soor to door


Yeah if Elmo came to my school or anywhere else, im wearing red


I like how big bird busting the door open became a meme

Edit: original comment is from Sempnite, he got the idea first


Wait when i was roleplaying in roblox gacha online, it was a sesame street and me and elmo (i was cookiemonster) were together for some ODD REASON?? And in ur last vid i think you said that elmo shot cookie monster😨


I had an Elmo thingy and I liked him so much when I was 2 or 3 but I always played with it and see his shows but the i stoped seeing it and now I now the truth why there are no more Elmo episodes


How he busted the door reminds me of the koolaid


This ain’t Sesame Street this is grove street


Where is part 2 how can we jump from 1-3


bro is 6 and kidnapped more children 😂"


The big bird busting through the is gona giv mi nitemares
(Yes I know how to spell I just spelling quickly)


I've watched it before but I bet it got kicked out because it was really about killing a lot
