25 BIZARRE Facts About Being Ambidextrous

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Whether you’re a righty or a lefty, you should know these bizarre facts about being ambidextrous. If you’ve ever dreamed about being able to write a letter, pitch a ball, or do just about anything with both hands, then you have hoped to be ambidextrous. The lucky few who develop this skill have a genetic advantage that they share with a number of famous ambidextrous people, like Einstein, Tesla, and Benjamin Franklin. Think you know everything there is to know about ambidextrous people? Then check out this list of 25 Bizarre Facts about Being Ambidextrous and see what amazing things you didn’t know about using both hands!

Even if you don’t know how to use both hands evenly or if you’re a life-long lefty, then you need to see this amazing list. Did you know that you may have no reason to be jealous of those who are ambidextrous? Studies suggest that being ambidextrous can be linked to some terrible outcomes, like schizophrenia and general brain decline. While we don’t quite know why, these crazy facts about ambidextrous people will change the way you think about being left or right handed. Ready for some switch hitting facts about using both hands? Then watch this list of 25 Bizarre Facts About Being Ambidextrous and leave us a comment letting us know if you wish you could use both hands or if you’re okay being a righty or lefty.

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Think you know how to be ambidextrous? Maybe you’re one of the lucky few that are true ambidextrous pitchers. Regardless of what hand you use, you’ll want to see these crazy ambidextrous facts. Did you know that ambidextrous brains are more symmetrical than those of right handers? And that ambidextrous brains are more likely to have cognitive problems like ADHD or schizophrenia? Did you know that handedness has been linked to sexuality, synthesia, and can be more easily manipulated? Get ready for some crazy handedness facts. Make sure you watch this list all the way to the end to see what ambidextrous facts make our top 10!

Music Credit: Hands Way Up by Gunnar Olsen

Right handed: common
Left handed: rare
Ambidextrous: 7 star rarity


Someone: so are you left handed or right handed ?
Me: yes


I am mixed-handed, I use the hand that is better suited for the task.
I write with my left hand, I cut with my right hand, I play normal guitar, I use tools with both my hands...
It's much more economical for the body.


My great uncle actually did his english homework with one hand and maths with the other AT THE SAME TIME!
He was a brilliant Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, not to mention Master Craftsman and all around Genius. Rest in Peace Uncle Jim ♡


And I'm happy Albert Einstein was an ambidextrous too.


I'm ambidextrous! hi to all ambidextrous around here!


I was ambidextrous up until about age 7 when I noticed that almost every other kid was right handed so I started to become solely right-handed although about 15 years later I really started to regret that decision.


I’m partially ambidextrous. I use my left hand with eating and writing, yet I use my right hand for throwing and catching.


my check list:
ambidextrous, ADD, synaesthesia, less religious, hate maths, creative, extremely good memory, can work with two hands at the same time. I love being cliché. except I am a woman 😌
(edit 1 year later: a miracle happened considering I actually like maths now, but I got introduced to an even worse enemy of mine, programming. lol)


Left - eat and write
Right - play guitar and basketball


I am ambi 😀 about time we got some love!


I'm ambidextrous. I can write with both hands at the same time. Sometimes the signals get crossed though, for instance I'll reach for something and mid movement I'll switch hands then back again. Sort of a confused impulse. Interestingly enough, I started as a child a left hander witch was frowned upon at the time (1950's) and teachers attempted to correct it with extreme prejudice (ruler to the knuckles etc.).


I am one. Never had a learning problem. Also, the voices in my head say I am not shizoid. 😂😂😂😂


Hello to my ambidextrous friends..
I am an ambidextrous ✌🏻✌🏻
Edit:i liked my own comment😊😊


A disadvantage of being ambidextrous, is not easy to tell the difference between left and right, especially quickly. So, many judgemental people probably think you are stupid, or something. The reason, for not being able to, is not having anything to base it on. I guess one could wear a bracelet, or something, on the right hand. But, would no doubt still need to think a bit.


My grandmother worked on a factory line for Revlon and she was ambidextrous which made her able to fill two bottles equally at the same time and that made her work twice as fast as other workers. Her union leader told her to stop filling both bottles at the same time because it was unfair to other union workers and Revlon doesn't pay her a double rate.


My son (8) is ambidextrous, I hope he doesn't develope schizophrenia, that's scary. 😮😢


I was ambidextrous until I had a teacher in elementary school who didn't like it. She made me choose one hand to write with. I chose the left. Now as an adult, I eat and write with the left but all sports activities I'm right handed. I can still manipulate most tools with both hands.


I’m right handed but I recently tried to write left handed for a week and had perfect writing by the 4th day and gained a lot of speed by the end of the week


I'm ambi.
Left hand: Writing and some things that right hand
Right hand- Almost everything else
