CR11 - der größte Mähdrescher von New Holland - Walkaround biggest combine harvester tractor farming

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Einblicke in die Funktionsweise des Hochleistungsmähdreschers - Walkaround mit Untertitel in Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Indisch, Polnisch und Niederländisch. Goldmedaillengewinner beim AGRITECHNICA INNOVATION AWARD 2023 und wohl aktueller Weltrekordhalter mit 100 to Druschleistung pro Stunde ist dieser neue Hochleistungsmähdrescher von NEW HOLLAND. Das Herz dieser Maschine ist ein 775 PS starker Motor. Mit seinem 15,2 m Schneidwerk von MacDon, 20.000 li Korntank, 210 Liter / Sekunde Abtankleistung, wohl aktuell einer der größten Mähdrescher. Vorgeführt wurde diese Maschine auf den Creator Days NEW HOLLAND. Florian und Philipp von NEW HOLLAND stellen uns diese neue selbstfahrende Landmaschine vor LS 25 Natur.
Quaderballen werden im Anschluss mit einer BigBaller 1290 Presse gepresst.
00:00 Trailer
00:36 Walkaround - subtitles in German, English, French, Indian, Polish and Dutch
10:16 Der Motor
12:50 Kabine
16:27 CR 11 in der Dämmerung
Die New Holland Creator Days fanden auf den landwirtschaftlichen Flächen vom Gutshof Taentzler bei Hecklingen statt.
Biggest CR11 - the new large combine harvester from New Holland - modern technology for agriculture
Insights into how the combine harvester works - walkaround with subtitles in German, English, French, Indian, Polish and Dutch. Gold medal winner at the AGRITECHNICA INNOVATION AWARD 2023 and probably the current world record holder with 100 tons of threshing capacity per hour is this new high-performance combine harvester from NEW HOLLAND. The heart of this machine is a 775 hp engine. With its 15.2 m MacDon cutting unit, 20,000 liter grain tank, 210 liters / second unloading capacity, it is probably one of the largest combine harvesters currently. This machine was demonstrated at the NEW HOLLAND Creator Days. Florian and Philipp from NEW HOLLAND introduce us to this new self-propelled agricultural machine.
Tractor brands and manufacturer / Traktor, Trecker bzw. Schleppermarken und Hersteller: z.B. Fendt, John Deere, Kubota, New Holland, Claas, Massey Ferguson, Case, Deutz Fahr, Valtra, Ford, Styer, JCB and many more/ uvm. Proof of evidence for the rise (general promotion approval) of unmanned aerial systems is available
Harvesters - Special machines in agriculture today.
Germany - Vehicles and machinery in German agriculture -
© AgrarBlick
Quaderballen werden im Anschluss mit einer BigBaller 1290 Presse gepresst.
00:00 Trailer
00:36 Walkaround - subtitles in German, English, French, Indian, Polish and Dutch
10:16 Der Motor
12:50 Kabine
16:27 CR 11 in der Dämmerung
Die New Holland Creator Days fanden auf den landwirtschaftlichen Flächen vom Gutshof Taentzler bei Hecklingen statt.
Biggest CR11 - the new large combine harvester from New Holland - modern technology for agriculture
Insights into how the combine harvester works - walkaround with subtitles in German, English, French, Indian, Polish and Dutch. Gold medal winner at the AGRITECHNICA INNOVATION AWARD 2023 and probably the current world record holder with 100 tons of threshing capacity per hour is this new high-performance combine harvester from NEW HOLLAND. The heart of this machine is a 775 hp engine. With its 15.2 m MacDon cutting unit, 20,000 liter grain tank, 210 liters / second unloading capacity, it is probably one of the largest combine harvesters currently. This machine was demonstrated at the NEW HOLLAND Creator Days. Florian and Philipp from NEW HOLLAND introduce us to this new self-propelled agricultural machine.
Tractor brands and manufacturer / Traktor, Trecker bzw. Schleppermarken und Hersteller: z.B. Fendt, John Deere, Kubota, New Holland, Claas, Massey Ferguson, Case, Deutz Fahr, Valtra, Ford, Styer, JCB and many more/ uvm. Proof of evidence for the rise (general promotion approval) of unmanned aerial systems is available
Harvesters - Special machines in agriculture today.
Germany - Vehicles and machinery in German agriculture -
© AgrarBlick