SpaceX vs Blue Origin - Who will Win the Space Race?

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Recently, we have seen many developments in space technologies mostly from SpaceX. But other companies are also trying to compete in space and one of them is Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin.
While we often heard about SpaceX’s missions and launches over the past few years, Blue Origin does not come out to be so ambitious in gaining traction.
So, where does Blue Origin stand? What’s their current progress in the rocket industry?
We are discussing “The Differences between Blue Origin and SpaceX” in today’s video of DiscoverZen.

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00:00 - Intro
00:41 - Goals of Blue Origin and SpaceX
04:13 - New Shepard vs Falcon-9
05:21 - Who will win the Space Race?
06:59 - Outro

Script and Research by Sajith and Sarthak
Video Editing by Sajith, Sarthak, Rahul, and Maria
Voiceover by Kris Yeti

Video Resources:

#SpaceX #BlueOrigin #Space #Astronomy #Rockets #Falcon #Falcon9 #FalconHeavy #BFR #Starlink #NASA #NewGlenn #NewShepard #Starship #SN8 #SN9 #SN10
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why i love this channel = every time i see an upload it just is something cool that i like its like a channel custom for me


"And it's a fight to the finish ladies and gentlemen! This is your ringside announcer Micheal Buffer. In this corner, weighing in at fifty billion dollars is X. In that corner, weighing in at 45 billion dollars, Origin! And now, live from Las Vegas Nevada... get ready to


New Glenn's first flight delayed to 4th Quarter 2022, according to BO's website. Slips are the rule rather than the exception in spaceflight, so that effectively means New Glenn won't fly until 2023.


Thanks for uploading. I had the opportunity to witness a rocket launch in 2018. Incredible experience. I uploaded a pretty fun montage of the trip to my channel.


More like an ad for Amazon/Blue Origin


yeah nooffense but spacex will 100% win


Why are we talking about winning the race when one hasn't left the start line yet?
