Rising Above Anxiety: Breaking Free From VICTIM MENTALITY

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I've never met ANYONE who suffered from chronic anxiety and didn't see themselves as a victim, including and especially ME.

For the most part, anxious people were victims of trauma or unresolved emotional pain and our nervous system was trained to be on defense, which will never allow us to heal from anxiety.

To heal, we must see our victim mentality and go TOWARDS our fears and not retreat from it. 

Thank you for listening.

P.S I wrote THE book on healing anxiety. It's my life's work so that you don't have to suffer like I did.  


I’d give Dr Kennedy a Nobel prize. No one ever explained all about anxiety so clearly, and with such compassion. Like he really is trying to reach deep inside every listener. Each and every video is full of life changing information. I’m filled with hope. Many blessings Dr. Russ. TY


Fascinating description of the cascade of events…


For me, it's health anxiety that's exacerbated by general anxiety. The cortisol and adrenaline keep me from sleeping and cause all sorts of muscle tension that my amygdala interprets as heart issues or stroke or whatever...and that triggers the panic.

CBT is helping but, when I'm tired at the end of the week, shaky and weak, survival mode gets triggered and the brain decides that it's our last 12 hours left alive and the obsessive, catastrophic thoughts flow. A good night's rest after lemon balm tea clears it up and I am totally OK the next day...until fatigue and tension wear me down for another crisis in a couple of days.

I am so sick of this cycle.


Truly inspired ! Thank you for showing up today and pushing thru your 'freeze'. I started to get anxious today while 'alone' at the Farmers Market. A little girl by me was so delighted by buying herself a pear, that I grabbed my own pear and reflected how wonderful our pears were going to be. I a I bought a pear for MY inner child, and my anxiety and feelings of aloneness started to subside, and I felt better. I've been doing some self-directed brain re-training. I used to command my limbic system to calm down and not fire off all time. But now I use a softer, understanding mommy tone, and speak more kindly to my protective limbic system, and I think that it's working better to help me find calm.


I confronted my victim mentality about a month ago a few weeks after a breakdown where I landed in a mental health ER overnight. Factually my situation is precarious and am facing financial, career instability and some level of housing instability. But I was thrust into this after coming out of straight marriage, so I remind myself I chose this. I could not continue to live someone else's life. Cognitively I know this, but my traumatized child is definitely taking over, and the insomnia and hypertension are almost debilitating. I am practicing showing my traumatized inner child love and compassion thanks to you. Cognitively I am all for moving forward, but am concerned that my body will give out from the physical strain. In any case thank you for this, Doctor, and I hope all is well with your mother.


This is the most powerful straight-talk about victim mentality that I have EVER heard. Thank you for this gift!


You nailed it, Doc! Despite your heavy heart, you shared your wisdom. Thank you so much. Praying for your Mom. 🙏


Dynamite as always. Straight to the point, compassionate and doable. Thank you


This was life-changing. I had a fight with my boyfriend last night that almost broke us up during which he accused me of constantly playing the victim and making him the perpetrator. I denied it profusely because I thought being a victim meant being powerless, but it can also look like blaming others for your own negative emotions as you mentioned. I suffer from GAD so everything you said checks out, and I'm so grateful that you listed clear action items for coming out of victim mentality and healing anxiety.

Thank you so much for such an enlightening video as always, your content has been transformative and I hope I can be healed one day like you!


I hope your mom is doing better now.
My mom also has asthma. She had a hard time with covid.
Looking forward to your yoga thing you're working on.


Hi from Liverpool UK love your. Videos help me much x


Thank you for showing up even though you didn’t want to. I hope your Mom is ok. I love the way you share your content scientifically & psychologically whilst including your own personal experience. I have recently found myself defaulting to victim mode as i navigate grief following the death of my Dad last year & having to clear & sell the home I grew up in & move house myself- all whilst trying to rebuild my business. My anxiety at times, has been through the roof. I have found moving my body & cold water swimming helpful, yet the repeated practice required to break the pattern of anxiety can feel exhausting.
I’m finally feeling like I’m emerging. I’m curious to know your take on how to heal without falling into victimhood during bouts of grief. Thank you again 🙏✨


Thank you for this podcast. I’ve been increasingly aware of when I enter victim mentality and your talk today really helped! Your book and all of you posts and podcasts are helping my healing along. And ps. You didn’t seem “off” at all!!


Hope both your mum & you are doing better 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Thank you for still thinking of us 🫶🏼


The physiological symptoms of anxiety is unbelievable


4 words. Thank you for sharing. It completely resonates for me dr. Very appreciative 🙏


The BEST explanation and helpful guidance. Just what I needed to hear, thank you so much for showing up to record this in spite of your difficulties, it was profound.


Hope your mom is doing better and you’re at peace now. Thank you for sharing your knowledge at such a difficult time.


feeling completely powerless… thank you❤


Always enjoy listening to your videos. Thank you.
