The Trump Legacy Breakdown - Balaji S

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Today, we welcome Balaji Srinivasan once again on The Ranveer Show. He is an American entrepreneur & investor. He co-founded Counsyl, the former Chief Technology Officer of Coinbase, and a former general partner at the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz.

In this episode, Balaji Srinivasan discusses the assassination attempt on Donald Trump in the context of American political polarization. He argues that the US is undergoing a process of a digital Civil War, with the left and right increasingly separated in terms of ideology and social networks. He highlights the role of technology and media in driving this polarization, with the rise of wokeness, the decline of mainstream media, and the impact of social media on politics.

This was another epic conversation that we had with Balaji, sir. If you’re someone who loves our geopolitical conversations, this episode is definitely for you. I hope you like this episode and share your thoughts in the comments section.

#trumpnews #americanpolitics


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TRS Clips is a collection of SHORT CLIPS from The Ranveer Show podcast. Enjoy our latest knowledge-fueled videos from the BeerBiceps team. Every conversation on #TheRanveerShow is intellectual, deep & progressive. We cover everyone from entrepreneurs to Bollywood film stars to even athletes.

Today, The Ranveer Show or TRS - Happiness Through Curiosity. A show where we host the world's greatest success stories and try digging out their secrets to success. Every conversation is an EXTREME learning experience for the viewer.
Рекомендации по теме

This guy have done a detail analysis of how the leftist operates..Indian right wing also need these king of people


He hit the nail about the group phylosophy of lefts. That ia so accurate. They rarely differ in opinion. It is like representation of different physical aspects but not at all of intellectual opinion


Probably the only podcast of yours that I saw whole

Balaji sir is incredible

He has done a indepth analysis of how the left operates or works

Amazing work

And all these things affect India and this is how the left work as well in India but a bit more viciously because they have been doing it since independence

Just following the Mughals and Brits!!


Ranveer, one interview with String Vinod also.


Dear Ranveer bhaiya, I'm posting this comment in the hopes that you will see it and would be able to ask Rajrishi nandy sir. My mother has Vitiligo and I'm feeling anxious about it. It first started small and is now very slowly appearing on her arm. Some dots have reappeared and I attribute it to God. Nonetheless, I'm feeling very stressed seeing her like this and feel very lost as to why this is happening to her. I feel like she doesn't deserve such a punishment. People keep saying its not curable, but I have faith in the divine and know that they are capable of performing miracles. Can you kindly ask Rajrishi nandy sir for his insights on this. Thank you in advance! Om namah shivaya.


The secret service lady agent could not put the gun back into the holster took her more than 6 attempt if u see the full clip


❤❤❤it would be end of America if dems or biden/harris win 2024 election.


Ranveer has freakin clue or v little interest in what balaji is saying n quoting. 😅 just going by his reactions😂


This guy seems like a conflicted character to me. On one hand he shows charts to back his views, then he seamlessly shows memes which mean nothing.


It's wild to talk about current situation in America and not even say anything about late capitalism. That's a Little delusional
