Kashmir tu main kanyakumari Hindi English Subtitles HD Chennai Xpress

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Nice translation. Good effort. Love to know the meaning of the song.


Sometimes two paths go sticking to eachother in parallel
Sticking as if there is gum between them
Sometimes when trouble used to be double
They have become less than half with someone walking together
Yours and mine, mine and yours our story is colourful
Sometimes it goes, sometimes it stops but still together
Our strange story
I'm indian and you're korean
All the distance of North and South is now over
You're korean and I'm indian
We have share a fifty fifty in every situation
On one hand there's a fight still our relationship is strong
If we can't talk for 1 hour it feels like 1 eternity
Two types of flavour and hundreds of mood
We wander like vagrants still we're twin souls
Sometimes we break sometimes we get together again
We mould in the moods of morning, evening, all the times of a day
I'm indian and you're korean
North has winked at south
You're korean and I'm indian
Now let the whole world go to hell


Try translating more Hindi songs into english


Can u please do English translation of titli song of Chennai express
