Minecraft 1.19.3 Mods You MUST Try!

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Mods are one of the best things that Minecraft has to offer, so let’s look at some of the best mods for Minecraft 1.19.3! This short includes everything from mods that Minecraft just easier to play to mods that add entirely new biomes and blocks to the game. So, without anymore delay, let’s look at some of the best Minecraft mods for 1.19.3!
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About this video: No matter what Minecraft will sadly get a bit boring one day. It will just feel like you have randomly run out of different things to do. This is where Minecraft mods can come in. Mods add all kinds of new things to Minecraft. From biomes to explore to features like maps to even entirely new worlds, Minecraft mods for 1.19.3 can completely change your Minecraft experience and give you so much more to do.
So what are some of the best Minecraft 1.19.3 that you need to try? Well, let’s go ahead and check three of the best options.
First is Just Enough Items also known as JEI for short. This is a Minecraft 1.19.3 mod that allows you to easily see all of the items that are in Minecraft and how to craft them. You can then easily add those crafting recipes to a crafting table with just one click. JEI also works with Minecraft mods as well showing you all of the items the mod adds in as well as how to craft them. Truly, you shouldn’t be playing modded Minecraft without Just Enough Items.
Next up is JourneyMap. This is by far the best Minecraft map mod for 1.19.3. Not only does JourneyMap add in a minimap to Minecraft 1.19.3 it also adds in a full-size map that allows you to see your world from a top down view. And that still isn’t all. JourneyMap adds in waypoints to Minecraft 1.19.3 as well letting you find where you are going even if you are lost.
Spark is a mod that doesn’t get enough credit in my opinion. It allows you to get performance reports right in game. That means that you can see exactly why your game is lagging. From entities to specific mods, Spark will be able to show everything in your lag report and what could be making you lag.
Lastly, we have Oh The Biomes You’ll Go. This is one of the best biome mods for Minecraft 1.19.3 adding in over 80 new biomes to the game. And Oh The Biomes You’ll go doesn’t just add biomes to the overworld. It also adds in brand new biomes to the end and nether. Finally, there is a reason to explore the end other than to just find end cities!
And there you have it! That are three of the 1.19.3 Minecraft mods that you need to check out. These mods will get you started in Minecraft 1.19.3, but there are so many more to check out, so be sure to like and subscribe to see more of our videos on amazing mods for Minecraft 1.19.3!
Note: Some of the above links are affiliate links. I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you if you go to these sites and make a purchase.
Start a 24-hour, DDOS-protected Minecraft server for you and your friends, in under 5 minutes, with SimpleGameHosting!
★ My Gear
About this video: No matter what Minecraft will sadly get a bit boring one day. It will just feel like you have randomly run out of different things to do. This is where Minecraft mods can come in. Mods add all kinds of new things to Minecraft. From biomes to explore to features like maps to even entirely new worlds, Minecraft mods for 1.19.3 can completely change your Minecraft experience and give you so much more to do.
So what are some of the best Minecraft 1.19.3 that you need to try? Well, let’s go ahead and check three of the best options.
First is Just Enough Items also known as JEI for short. This is a Minecraft 1.19.3 mod that allows you to easily see all of the items that are in Minecraft and how to craft them. You can then easily add those crafting recipes to a crafting table with just one click. JEI also works with Minecraft mods as well showing you all of the items the mod adds in as well as how to craft them. Truly, you shouldn’t be playing modded Minecraft without Just Enough Items.
Next up is JourneyMap. This is by far the best Minecraft map mod for 1.19.3. Not only does JourneyMap add in a minimap to Minecraft 1.19.3 it also adds in a full-size map that allows you to see your world from a top down view. And that still isn’t all. JourneyMap adds in waypoints to Minecraft 1.19.3 as well letting you find where you are going even if you are lost.
Spark is a mod that doesn’t get enough credit in my opinion. It allows you to get performance reports right in game. That means that you can see exactly why your game is lagging. From entities to specific mods, Spark will be able to show everything in your lag report and what could be making you lag.
Lastly, we have Oh The Biomes You’ll Go. This is one of the best biome mods for Minecraft 1.19.3 adding in over 80 new biomes to the game. And Oh The Biomes You’ll go doesn’t just add biomes to the overworld. It also adds in brand new biomes to the end and nether. Finally, there is a reason to explore the end other than to just find end cities!
And there you have it! That are three of the 1.19.3 Minecraft mods that you need to check out. These mods will get you started in Minecraft 1.19.3, but there are so many more to check out, so be sure to like and subscribe to see more of our videos on amazing mods for Minecraft 1.19.3!
Note: Some of the above links are affiliate links. I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you if you go to these sites and make a purchase.