Patrons, Volunteers and a New Member of Our Chateau Family?

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Journey to the Château, Ep. 221 - In this Friday episode, Patrick and Stuart are joined once again by chateau patron, volunteer and friend Donna, who takes on the huge task of clearing out the overgrown fig tree courtyard. Donna is later joined by volunteers Tanya and Inara, who work with Patrick and Stuart to tackle the weeds in the chateau gardens. While Patrick and Stuart have a day in Paris to celebrate their birthdays, Donna takes care of the chateau and finds time to show us her recipe for making peanut butter cookies for Stuart's birthday. Patrick and Stuart, along with patron Margaret, rescue a small creature in their courtyard that may become a new addition to their chateau family.


Symphony 45 (farewell Symphony) Movement 1 Allegro, by Joseph Haydn
Originally published by Lynne Publishing (track not PRO registered)
Purchased from NEO Sounds Ltd.

Join Patrick and Stuart on their journey to find a neglected, forgotten, or crumbling château or castle in France, and then continue to follow them as they work on its restoration, rénovation, decoration, and furnishing. Along the way, they will also create and share videos on their preparation for having gîtes for guests, and an event venue in their chateau (wedding, birthday, anniversary, organization or club meetings, retreats, etc.).

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Château de Colombe
22 Lieu-dit Colombe
Saint-Baudel 18160

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Obviously the kitten needs to be named Figgy. :) What a delightful birthday present! Best Birthday wishes to you both. Delighted to see Donna and your other wonderful helpers there. The cookies looked devine.


Happy Birthday Patrick and belated Happy Birthday Stuart!🎉🎉🎂🎂🎁🎁🎈🎈


Duke/Duchess when you find out if it's a boy or girl or maybe Figgy as that's where you found her/him, soooo cute xxx


Happy Birthday, to you both! So, you can repair anything, renovate a chateau, are artists, and now...a kitten rescue team.


Oh my goodness, the kitten is just so cute with that dark "eyeliner" around its eyes. 😍🥰 I'm so glad you found him/her and that they are now safe and comfortable in your home and that they are eating well. As an experienced "cat lady" may I suggest that when you visit her/him you begin playing with toys on a string first, as a trust-building activity, and then move into spending time petting, brushing, and holding him/her regularly. This will allow him/her to associate human hands as a source of good things, and soon enough she/he will learn to relax around you. Thank you so much for taking them in! And, Happy Birthday, Patrick!


Again! Belated Happy Birthday Patrick. Donna is fantastic as always. I agree that Figgy, is the only name you can call her/him...


So happy you took care of the little sweet kitten. Poor thing scared and abandoned. I should have named it Figaro as it was found under the fig tree 😻


The name will come to you. Nice to see the cat distribution system is alive and well in France. Cats find their owners, not the other way around and it is not a surprise to me that she/he chose you guys. We just adopted a beautiful Balinese kitten that was born in the garden at my daughters high school. To help you bond, look for one of those cat toys that is like a fishing pole. They usually have feathers dangling on the end of the pole. My son's cat was rescued from a car engine and terribly frightened. We put her in our bedroom, and we sent my son in every day to dangle the pole. That was too much temptation for her, she would crawl out from under the bed, and play and play. It helps the bonding process and frankly it is just hilarious to watch them attack the feathers. On another subject, I am so excited to see the episode about the Paris fabric stores. We have the fabric district in Los Angeles, which I love and spend a lot of time in when I am doing as show. Can't wait! Donna is a domestic goddess! Our fig tree doubled in size last year with all the rain, and it exploded again. They need a good hard pruning once in a while to keep them under control and frankly, I think with the tree trunk showing and the branches gracefully draping down, they are just stunning.


If there's one kitten, there might more more. So happy for little bitty kitty to have been found by super animal lovers ♥


Fig is the obvious name for him or her. What a honey!


Definitely Figgy and she couldn’t have a better home ❤


Years ago I got a kitten and named her Simone (as in de Beauvoir). She absolutely refused to respond to Simone. One day she took off down the hall and ignored me when I called "Simone, come here". In frustration, I said "Oh, honey, why will you not listen to me?" She immediately stopped, turned around, and came right to me. She was Honey for the rest of her life. It is true. Cats name themselves.


I agree with other people Figgy suitable for male/female. Donna you are a treat to watch cooking. How you keep your figure with all the baking you do is a credit to you. Always nice to see you at the Chateau. Until next time Donna/Stuart/Patrick. Cheers. Watching from Australia.


O, I enjoyed this video. Firstly I saw something that become very excited about. When Donna baked Patrick's peanut butter cookies, I saw something that let me sit up straight like a broomstick. I saw that the chocolate chips she used have a very familiar name, " Nestle!". Nestle is a factory in my hometown, Mossel Bay, South Africa! They make chocolates, condensed milk, etc. from milk. My father also send milk to Nestle in the 1960's. Now I wonder was that chocolate chips Donna used came from Nestle in Mossel Bay South Africa? If so, she bought it in the USA and now she used it in France at your Chateau! What a journey for a Nestles product! It's wonderful if so! 😂. Secondly you must name your little kitten Chatelina. She is a "lady cat" and she is a chateau cat! 😂. Don't you agree? O yes, congratulations with your birthday Patrick! May you and Steward enjoy many years at Chateau de Coulomb and keep us always on track what you are doing. I think everybody who subscribed, enjoy your vidoes.


Happy birthday to both of you! 😊 The area under the fig tree looks so nice now. Awww, a little kitty! You should name it Figaro. It was found under a fig tree, and it was a black and white disney cartoon cat.


Happy Birthday Patrick! The bench under the fig tree looks very appealing for reading a book. I look forward to seeing the fabric you bought in Paris. You both look handsome in your new shirts. I’m sure the peanut butter cookies are delicious. Thank you for taking care of the precious kitten. In time, I have no doubt that the supervisors will treat her like a Princess or perhaps a Prince. Take care my friends, Ralph Rocchiccioli


Happy Birthday to you both!!!! So glad you found the little cutie. My name suggestions would be Jewel (girl) or Caspin (boy). What a great job Donna and Margaret did.


Hola from Ecuador! American expats around the world always miss American peanut butter. It’s ridiculously expensive here. Only a true friend will mule you peanut butter. Happy birthday!


Donna is a force of nature! Great work by all the visitors!
If the kitten is female, maybe “Annie” for Stuart’s Joyeux Anniversaire!


Gorgeous kitten. I think Peanut would be an excellent name.
