Where do Evil Spirits Come From?

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People assume that the demons in the gospels are fallen angels, but all the traditions, including the biblical ones, associate the demons with the spirits of the giants born of the transgression of the Sons of God in Genesis 6. Check this out!

Still miss Mike so much and probably always will until I see him again with the Lord. But I sure am thankful for his contributions to the faith. God bless his family and each and every one of you in Jesus' mighty name.


Boy, this lesson is so helpful. RIP Dr. Heiser. You are both missed and remembered.


My eyes tear up every time I listen to Dr. Michael. I wish he was not taken so soon. May his soul rest in peace.


Michael Heiser was such a great teacher, so glad we have his work to study.


We lost a true biblical genius when Dr Heiser passed past year


Dr. Heiser's teaching is eye opening. It makes all the obscure passages in the NT make sense.


Thank this channel very much for continuing to give us the teachings of Dr praise God for you


I've just found this channel tonight. And he died? My condolences to the family and friends. I really understood what he was saying. I'll look for more videos by him.


Ir is so calming to hear his voice as he explains whenever he talks. So sad he is gone..still sending prayers for his family and the pets.


I remember years ago when I was around 16 years old, my best friend at the time showed me a photo his grandfather had taken many years before, in Japan. The backstory is they were on a tour of this old ancient forest with extremely tall trees. He took a picture of these trees and to his surprise, after he had the film developed there was a massive warrior figure in the forefront of one of the pictures in front of the trees, that wasn't there when he took the picture. It was obvious gauaging at the size of the trees, the level of the photographer's height, that this figure was at least 9' tall, fully concealed in armor but massively tall and muscular.

His grandfather said he had never believed in ghosts until he saw that picture. The 16 year old me didn't understand it.. but believed it.

I believe now, as a middle aged man, reflecting back on that story and picture... that it was a giant that Dr. Heiser speaks of.


February 20th will be one year. I still grieve his loss. How much more his family.😢 thank God for modern technology as I can see and listen to him until I can hobnob with him in person! Cant wait!❤❤


Really bummed that I just found his videos a month or so great videos so videos will help him to keep on teaching until the day Our Great Teacher returns.


We look darkly through the glass now because Faith is evidence of things unseen things that are hoped for, live by faith and not by sight!!! Blessed are those who believe without fear, doubt, or seeing!!! For nothing can keep you from the Love 💕 of Our Father in Jesus Christ through whom our Father has made all things!!! The things that Christ has done the world cannot contain the books 📚 Hallelujah and AMEN


I've only come across Dr. Michael Heiser about 6 months prior to his passing, watching him on some videos (one of them was Trey Smith's videos). I knew the Holy Spirit put me in his path, and I soon bought "Demons" and really connected with a lot he was teaching. It's a shame that the Lord took him Home so soon--I have still so much to learn from him (and I recently found out Mike could have been my mentor at Liberty University once I got into my research courses for my PhD in Bible Expo!😣), but thank God we do have his books and videos to glean from. Can't wait to meet him when we are all at HOME with the Lord!🙏❤️✝️🕊️


My prayers are for Dr Heiser and his family. Jesus Christ is Love. My prayers are for lal the afflicted watching this message. I owe it to my Lord. I have to continue, there is no other option. Please pray for me, for i am weak, i am dying in my soul. I love Jesus. He is my only option. Goodbye to the haters.


Really hoping his content never goes away!!


I find it strange that many comment on Heiser himself rather than the theological argument he's making.


I’m currently reading Dr. Heisers book Demons….. thank you for posting.


I don’t think people realise what a funny guy Dr Heiser was. I always liked how he injected some humour into many of his discourses. Truly missed.


Dr. Michael Heiser was a wonderful scholar and a faithful Christian.
