Inside A $534K Apartment In Portugal | Unlocked

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Early retiree Alex Trias, 52, who left his job as an attorney based in Washington, D.C., was on a family vacation in Lisbon, Portugal, with his wife, Noki, and their daughter, Evie, when their lives changed. Only two days into their trip, they decided to make Lisbon their new home. They purchased a 1,300-square-foot apartment for $533,554. Now, they live debt free in the Portuguese city. Watch the video to tour their home and learn how moving gave the Trias family a new lease on life.

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Living In A 400-Year-Old Home In Portugal For $534K | Unlocked
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152k annual income from dividend investments. That’s incredible. This home looks like a dream, so peaceful and I love the renovations


As an American myself, i feel conflicted watching this. I'm happy this sweet couple and their daughter are enjoying this wonderful new life and that apartment is truly gorgeous. On the other hand, i've seen a few of these "i left the US for a cheaper life in Portugal" type videos and every time, i cant help but imagine how infuriating these must be for native Portuguese (especially Millenials/gen Z) who earn much lower incomes and have to compete with well-heeled foreigners for homes. That building is beautiful but i think if i were a local, i would have preferred to see it converted into affordable housing for local residents rather than luxury apartments for rich yuppies from abroad. Again, nothing against this family in particular, they seem lovely and i wish them well, just seems a bit unfair on the native residents is all.


6 years ago I lived in an apartment like that in Alfama/Lisbon for 450 euros a month. That same apartment costs now 1500€/ month. I am thankfull for investors in Portugal but as any other country, new and outside money makes the local economy to expensive for the nationals. There's also an hidden social cost that should be considerated by the city hall, like Berlin or Bordeaux are doing. If there's no planning envolved in this types of investment soon an bad atitude can grow throwdown foreigners.


While Americans and other "expats" keep buying real estate in Portugal, the average Portuguese is being priced out of the market and forced to leave the country. Don't get me wrong, I wish them the best in Portugal, but this situation is getting out of hand.


That appartement is both ancient and modern. I really love this and Lisbon looks lovely. Also kinda cool to let the teen have the biggest room, it makes sense since parents spend less time in theirs usually.


152k in annual dividends. That’s a 4-5 million portfolio. 🙌


Portugal, the ideal country for foreigners as most of the Portuguese population can barely afford housing and food on a monthly basis. Simply shameful how this country offers so many benefits for foreigners who move there, even though most of them arrive with fully filled wallets, while the Portuguese are successively explored with one of EU's highest income tax rates. And what do the Portuguese see their taxes being applied to? Surely not for improving living conditions for the Portuguese! Sad truth. Portugal is far from "dreamy" as you constantly picture it.


This was overkill for an apartment in Lisbon. It has such a devasting effect on the Portuguese people who are making less than €600 a month even in Lisbon.


Portugueses people are being priced out of the market and some have to leave their country because of all the « expats » coming in with lot of money. I’m happy for these expat but Sad for portugueses people. This is out of control.


$150k+ per year on just stock dividends!!!? Wow! Thats amazing


Great place to live. The place looks so nice. And they seem like nice people


It’s seems perfect. Glad that they are happy


I can't imagine being Portuguese and not being able to afford a room, let alone an apartment, in my own country watching this.


What a pleasant apartment, and facing that relaxing courtyard makes it even better!


$534K in a southern European country are A LOT. I live in Italy and you could buy a 4-bedroom and 4-bathroom villa here for that kind of money


Where did you purchase the spice rack from? Love the video, thank you!


What a beautiful apartment in such a beautiful city.


I would really like to communicate directly with this couple, to better understand their video was most imformative.


Very disappointed how they don’t talk more about their immigration status and how they made citizenship possible


Evies voice was deeper than dads. 🤔 interesting that there HOA fees are so high- would have been nice to know what it covers.
