What’s My Balance Between Work and Life?

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Robert Greene is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law, Mastery, The Laws of Human Nature, and most recently, The Daily Laws.

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I'm happy to hear that Robert says he works hard yet is "only" 4 hours a day. Intensity is much more important than time spent. Most full-time employees do leas than 3-4 hours of productive work a day.


“Work is much more fun than fun.”
Noel Coward


I am so happy to hear some validation here. People are bewildered as to why I dedicate so much time to my work. Well, here is the answer. I wake up eager to get to work. I am a designer and college teacher, and I deeply love what I do. The pay off is way beyond money. I will work as a designer and teacher until my body or my brain give up. Retirement is not a thing for me.


I've watched all his interviews where he gives a sneak peak of the sublime, and I'm already being empathetic towards animals and viewing life through their eyes... Its amazing 😊


Ofcourse thats the ideal for all of us.
Do what we enjoy for work.

Reality is often you do the work you have to do to pay the bills...
Alot of times its work we hate.

Even you Mr Robert became a famous writer with a big element of luck.


A healthy daily life schedule (meditate, healthy food, exercise etc)
Work with pleasure


I love all of your books. You definitely have a great outlook on life. I am looking forward for more to come.


Robert Greene be saving my day fr. That “truth” he speaks just heals all my devilish thoughts 😌


Thanks Robert! You’re one of the greatest 🐐


Keep Doing Everything for the next generation to Learn... I always support you Sir Robert Greene...


This is the sort of sublime pleasure I experience working on games, or writing stories. Doesn't compare to doing tech stuff for some large company, like my last job. I'm a specialist in the imaginative, the impractical -- and I need to innovate to feel fulfilled, and make something unique that otherwise would not exist. At this stage of my life, I'm trying my best to bring home enough bacon to sustain this career path. If I fail? Back to the grind. If I succeed? I'll feel like it was the best use of my time. Either way though: no regrets for having tried.


Surprisingly, i changed my perspective towards life after readin a ficiton book named "Voyagers of hell". I think everyone must read this book to learn importance of life we are living.


Thanks. I wish this video is recommended a few days after so I rewatch and refresh the lesson


You always make my day Robert, it is my guilty pleasure listening to you. You are looking really well and I am delighted for you. Please God your health will be completed restored🙃😊 what chapter are you working on?💌


I think it’s a stupid question. Your question should be about whether the work allows you the lifestyle you want. And you should absolutely make the trades honestly and with your eyes open because you will have to choose. If you want money and prestige, those jobs are highly competitive and if you’re not working you’ll fall behind those who are. So you won’t have the time to be at the kids games, or be off by 6pm to go home and watch TV or whatever. If you choose to have more free time and do less difficult work, you’re going to lose out on prestige and income. Working a median job for a median workday is worth the median wage. You won’t likely own a house, won’t be taking fancy vacations, won’t be eating out a lot. That’s fine and good. Either one can work for you. But make the choice deliberately, decide what is important and make sure that you are good with the trade offs.


I think a lot of people have this notion that life is about the pursuit of leisure and that work is just about enabling leisure. I often hear people say “human beings weren’t meant to spend all their time working”.

I think they don’t have a real understanding of what the human condition has been for most of human history. From hunter gatherers through to the industrial age, human beings dedicated most of their life to their occupation, with the majority of their free time spent on their families. Hobbies and vacations were a fairly recent luxury for the masses.


I’ve been a big student of you sir. We need subtitles Mr. Robert Greene please ❤


thank you for sharing sir,
I've just realized this this year, that the ability to enjoy the work is so important because we sell 8 hours a day, it's too much to be suffer all that time,
and I remember how sad I felt when hearing my colleagues they had to live the whole week and just wait for the weekends,
able to do figure this out and do it in real life is really a bless, a privilege not everybody has.


I love the spin that Robert puts on things that helps us to change our perspectives!


Sir you help me a lot and thanks for sharing this new perspective towards work.
