KUKA Cobots at Infineon: The new way of producing semiconductors in cleanroom environments

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Cobots take automation in cleanrooms to a new level. In the production of micrometer-thin chips at Infineon in Villach, Austria, 17 sensitive KUKA LBR iiwa CR lightweight robots work safely together with humans to ensure greater efficiency and safety when fabricating the precious and highly fragile wafers.

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if any external particle enters the silicon wafer during the manufacturing, this silicon wafer will be damaged due to changing its conductive properties .Therefore, robots are considered the best way to manufacture silicon wafers away from humans .


Why do they need OHT and Mobile robot at the same floor? Only OHT can fulfill the FOUP handling, or?


Robots of a chinese company working for a german company, years ago, this would have been unthinkable. It shows, how far China has come today, really impressing country.


Und wo sind jetzt die cobots? Die definierten sich dadurch, das die keinen Schutz aussen benötigen und auch selbst abschalten und mit Menschen collaborieren. Der hier fährt geschützt selbst rum ohne mit jemandem zusammen zu arbeiten.... Schlechtes Beispiel für einen cobot oder?